....Well.. to get this ball rolling, I'd like to throw out there Quinten would be very involved in his group project and would have done the work expected of him. Maybe really only doing so to kind of prove Poetry that he's not the kind of guy she seems to think he is, otherwise he would have been kinda "eh, whatever" about it all. Aria, however, would have started out fairly invested in it all but strayed away from interactions with the group, as a whole. Maybe doing a decent 90% of her job before leaving it to someone else, but still keeping moderately in touch with the main involved members, not wanting to seem like she just ditched them. Staying away from the group as a whole, being that she wants as little interaction time with her ex as possible. Cause honestly, who wants to be stuck working together in class with their ex? :lol Especially outside of school haha What all happened will have to be discussed among our respective group members in PMs or something. Just so no [i]one[/i] person is speaking of what others would have had their characters do. :] But, yeah. That's the summary of my characters and their involvement in their groups.