The Lord raised an inquisitive eyebrow at his team's rescuers, but they seemed to be either the quiet type, still jarred from the battle, or were simply not liable to speak. The Drabarian they seemed so very off-put by strode up to them with the menace of a leopard stalking its prey. The Knights were prepared to engage the Bounty Hunter, before Jex finally spoke. "We were given orders by our Captain, Kayden SpearWeilder. Tell the Lords you see in your city that his free company aided you." The Drabarian said. "Oui Oui, now if you shall excuse us m'Lord. Vwe must give chase to zese bandits and make sure they do no harm to anyone any longer." Regeland said, giving the Lord a salute with his rapier. "I am Silias, and I am indeed a Lord of a far realm. You shall be remembered, and well rewarded. I shall see to it." he said. Jex nodded for the companions to follow him. They would then travel uphill now, but not to engage the bandits. Simply to follow at a slow pace (thankfully, for the companions were all fairly tired) to keep them fleeing back to their Castle. [@rush99999][@Fuzzybootz][@Jbcool] [hr] Nuva's Maul swung downward as Cassilda charged forward, quick as a serpent with her flourishing of hands and muttering of her incantation. The merest second before the maul struck, a great black iron plate erupted from the corpse's chest, the malicious magic that surrounded it caused the Maul, and indeed Nuva himself, to skid back a few feet. One of the corpse's hands shot up, and as its fingers began to curl, the metal plates of a gauntlet was erupting from its skin before it was fully encased within runic black iron. Kayden skidded to a stop, and with a swipe of the thing's arm, it knocked a weakened Morek back to skid across the stone floor. Before Nuva, Kayden, and Cassilda's eyes was no longer an animated corpse, but something far, far worse. Now on its feet, stood a Death Knight as tall as Nuva (and far broader), fully encased in Black Iron plate. Fueled by the souls of innocents and holding an ornate blade of Hellmetal. The last thing to be encased within armor was the corpses head. It smiled, showing its now sharpened teeth before a great horned helm covered it. Its mouth piece glowed with an inner fire, and every breath from the DeathKnight was like a hellish engine spewing poisonous fumes. "Mortals." The DeathKnight said, pointing its blade at the three of them. Its voice sounded like cold oblivion. "Your souls will be next." Meanwhile, Halbark inflicted heavy damage upon two of the bandits with his flaming gauntlets. The first cutthroat was felled by a sword thrust from Virgil. Haukford engaged the one that knocked the Dwarf back, his chained morningstar crashing into the man's shield and shattering it. The man recoiled, but was about to strike back and head into the fray once more before he paused at the sight of the dark sorcery that had just occurred. The last Two bandits looked to one another, and then to Halbark, Haukford, and Virgil. The Warlock, his face now a ruin from Morek's punches, hacked and coughed, but pointed at them. "Kill the Intruders!" he cried. They still hesitated, but raised their weapons and advanced cautiously at the three, not to be taken by surprise again. [@frapet][@BCTheEntity][@Austronaut]