[@Zoldyck][@Pyromaniacwolf][@Mr Allen J] So i've been going over it a bit and i've decided to just go over this myself. I guess i'd be more of less fine with Jaden leading the team, though it does mention he tends to run in head first, so Lariah might be a possible choice for leader with that in mind. So as for how our team fights, seeing as Lariah has no range she's probably going to have to serve as the main attacker and tank for the team. Jaden and Basil clock in for support on that wheras Scarlett has some of the best range of the lot of them. They can all more or less hold themselves, but in a fight, that's how i'd suggest they organise themselves to maximize capabilities. Lariah's a complete bruiser, she'll be able to take on large and dangerous targets with relative ease, she just will need some support to back her up at range. Jaden's pretty flexible, beastly melee and good range, so he can work well as a flanker and melee support, plus leading an attack when necessary. Scarlett's got a similar strength to Jaden with her mixed range, so again flanking and ranged are the best positions for her I think. Basil seems incredibly based on his semblance so with him he's probably going to have to be more a follow up attacker to the rest of the team or using his plague warning to cause damage from behind the others. What makes our team really interesting imo is how well their semblances play off of each other. Lariah's semblance locking down enemies, Basil's semblance on top will poison them, Scarlett's semblance can knock enemies into Lariah's gravity hold and I know Jaden doesn't seperate his Lion as a singular entity often, but it is presumably unaffected by Basil's poison, so maybe that could charge into the crowd to deal damage further? Just a thought.