And here he is. [hider=Character] [center][h3][color=ed1c24]Myno[/color][/h3] [img][/img][/center] Class: Manakete Special Abilities: Iron Scale (Passive) - Negates the ability of weapons that are effective against dragons/wyverns (Wyrmslayer, etc.) Ironbreaker (Passive) - All weapons can pierce armor Equipment: Dragonstone - in the form of a bracelet on his right wrist Summoning Spellbook Reeking Box History: Myno was born just before the rise of Gaia. It was relatively peaceful back then, and his family was tight-knit. They sparred with each other, trained with each other and stayed with each other. Myno was close to his younger sister, by twenty years, and kept a close eye on her. When he reached his first century, Gaia was awoken and everything he knew was thrown into chaos. A noble pleaded for the help of the Manaketes, to help push back the goddess. They accepted to help wholeheartedly. Gaia was ruining their peace as well, ravaging the mountains they once called home. Needless to say, it was a bloody battle. Myno's entire family was wiped out in the fights. When asked, he can't respond with any vivid image. He just remembered endless fighting with the undead alongside humans and other species who retaliated. Myno admits that it has been quite a war. But they finally pushed Gaia back and banished her from this plane of existence. Good. But Myno was tired. Extremely so. The King of Archanea offered him a place to stay, underneath the castle where he can rest and sleep without being disturbed by anything, as repayment for his involvement in the war. The King was the same noble who asked their help. The Manakete accepted the help almost immediately and then went straight underground. He woke up every now and then, to survey what has happened to the world around him through the messengers of the king. Though he never really had any interest with the happenings of the world and he falls back to sleep soon enough. Now? He was woken up by the current King of Archanea when they felt tensions with the Dwarven Kingdom and he asked for Myno's help. Having a sense of gratitude because of how they only woke him up because they were on the verge of another war, he agreed to help them once more. He equipped what he had from before the battle. Why he carries a Reeking Box, of all things, is beyond anyone's comprehension but they assume that the Manakete has his own reasons to bring it along. Personality: [/hider]