I'm not the one calling you a crazy feminazi, I just don't like hyperbole. I'm a feminist myself. I do, however, live in a world where rape and sexual harassment isn't socially acceptable and is, in fact, frowned upon. But I also live in a world where people with the loudest voices aren't interested in talking to people and instead insist on proving their side by sheer volume. I live in a world where I've been considered a traitor to my race and my gender because I have differing opinions on the matter, such as not taking things like accusations at face value - because I've seen first hand how false charges fucks up people; and not thinking white people are evil. I've never seen anyone go around saying "Rape is fine" or anything outside of thinly veiled internet 'threats' that are about as serious as any given post on /b/. I'm certainly not saying that sexual harassment and rape doesn't happen and I'm certainly not about to make light or fun of women and men who have gone through that; my post had everything to do with hyperbolic wording than it did anything else. Of course rape and harassment are issues, but they're not socially acceptable in any sense of the word and as a woman I haven't ever felt like I was being silenced or threatened for speaking out on things. I'm not saying I'm for human rights but then focusing on women specifically, which with the wording would make one assume one feels only women are human, which is not a rhetoric anyone should be preaching. GamerGate is done, it accomplished nothing except for creating giving bigots yet another platform and people to blame them like a boogeyman and in the process made both sides look like giant tools: the trolls and bigots for obvious reasons and the people blaming GG for everything because [i]they kept doubling down on the victim card over nothing and profiting off of it.[/i] The whole GamerGoobie thing was never supposed to be about "fuck women" but the people with the loudest voices on both sides changed it, and that applies elsewhere. People are unwilling to have conversations on issues now, which is a tragedy. Instead of both sides of the issue meeting on neutral ground and having, you know, a conversation, one side is coming in guns loaded with anecdotes and bubbled anger while the other side just rolls their eyes, calls them an essjay, and thinks they are superior intellectually and morally because they have no actual argument or point of view other than what other people tell them; they 'showed the feminazis' by being just as bad, if not worse, in their crusade. Neither side really wants to listen to the other and it creates this whole vacuum of shit. But even dismissing that whole thing from it, sexual harassment and rape is a much larger issue and it existed long before burgers 'n fries happened. No person is an object nor should they be looked down upon for their views, their gender, their sexuality, anything. And yet...both sides of this eternal debate are guilty of doing just that. Even so, I'd still much rather live in this world than in one where rape and harassment are accepted socially. Because really, it only ever came down to me shitposting about hyperbole! I don't think you're a crazy feminazi, that's a stupid term and you shouldn't use it other than to mock it. This stuff matters to you, and it should, but you're going about it in the same way as the people you condemn constantly mock others for. I've no concern with your message, just in its presentation. I get it. Sometimes you just gotta rant, just gotta say it so badly, and yeah, it might feel good and it might get heads turned but the intended target(s) will only see it as a victory because it got you heated. The thing to do is to open conversation, open a discussion, get people to see your side with reason and fact and dialog. Which is difficult because in most cases these people are so set in their ways that there's no reasoning with them and every instance of 'talking it out' ends up with 'see? women are overly emotional cunts' and 'see? men are sexist shits' and it's back to square one. But then, what the fuck do I know I'm just an idealistic bitch who doesn't get involved.