[h1][b][center][color=cyan]Alex Hill[/color][/center][/b][/h1][hr][center][hider=Alex Hill] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4xj9T7BUQKSu9ZDoOMZ7JbOfE-HR5UJ-G5z5SgKhxeyUvxqYu[/img] [/hider][/center][hr] [i]brrzt brrzt brrzt[/i] From down the hall, [color=lightpink]"Alex. Turn off your alarm!"[/color] [color=saddlebrown]"Yeah, it's to loud."[/color] Alex's little sister and brother walked into his room annoyed that he is somehow sleeping through one of the loudest alarms that one could have. Sadie shuts it off then hands Micky a squirt gun, [color=lightpink]"Payback time."[/color] The two started spraying Alex with water and the once sleeping Alex became a really alert and annoyed Alex. [color=cyan]"Ahh. What the heck. Come here."[/color] Alex said as he jumped out of bed and bolted for the little buggers that were his siblings. The chase had begun and they were running through the house until Alex caught Micky. He took him to the ground and they rolled around laughing. Sadie walked over to them to spray Alex again, but he quickly grabbed Micky's squirt gun and shot it at Sadie, [color=cyan]"Booyah. Gotcha both."[/color] As Alex stood back up their mother walked out of the kitchen and said, "Alright. Stop making a mess in my house. Sadie, Micky, go get towels to soak up the water. Alex, did you forget something?" [color=cyan]"Uhh, I don't think so. Fed the dog last night, took out the trash, if you're talkin' about breakfast I can just eat brunch."[/color] "You will eat breakfast, but that isn't what I am talking about." What? Then what could it be? Alex had done all his chores and even helped Micky and Sadie with theirs. What did he forget? Then he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. It was a text from Ari. Wonder what it is, [i][center][color=fff79a]Guys, its time. get over here. me n Lizzy have cookies. ~*~Kitten~*~[/color][/center][/i] [color=cyan]"Oh, crap. The road trip."[/color] Alex quickly ran back to his room and got ready. He did last minute packing by just shoving random clothes into his bag. He had already put essential things in his truck last night and bolted down the stairs once he had everything and ate, [color=cyan]"Bye. I'll call at stopping points. Later."[/color] From in the house could be heard the usual things one would hear from family before going on a trip. Alex chunked his stuff into the back of his truck and hopped in. When he arrived he saw that no one else was here yet. He parked the truck off to the side and walked over to the door. He entered the house after a single knock and followed the beautiful smell of fresh cookies. In as serious and monotone a voice he could make he said, [color=cyan]"Alright, children. I need to see your permission slips now."[/color] Then he reached for a cookie and stuffed it in his mouth keeping his usual straight face the whole time.