Hello all! [hider=Anneliese Fuentes] [u][b]Name/Nicknames:[/b][/u] Anneliese Fuentes [u][b]Age: [/b][/u] 27 [u][b]Gender: [/b][/u] [s]Dragon-kin Apache Helicop….[/s] Female [u][b]Appearance: [/b][/u] [hider=pic][URL=http://s74.photobucket.com/user/Bloodlut/media/Falloutbabe_1.png.html][IMG]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i246/Bloodlut/Falloutbabe_1.png[/IMG][/URL] [/hider] Anneliese is clearly not someone who grew up in the wasteland, her appearance betraying that fact quite clearly. If it weren’t for the lack of grime, filth, scaring and general trauma covering her then the bright blue vault suit and number ‘96’ on her back tends to be a dead giveaway. The fact that she takes pride and care in her apparel and appearance only serves to further set her apart from those she encounters. Her hair is a bright shade of fiery red, falling down to her lower back and lacking in the tangles and generally matted filthy nature of others, brushed washed and maintained to a high standard – eyegrabbing would be an appropriate adjective. Her complexion too is rather clear and pale, somewhat too much so again, no wastelander would be so free of pocks, marks, scars, rashes and other unsightly skin conditions – only a vault dweller generally so pale and ‘pure’ in appearance. Her body is thin and athletic, again the wonders of a balanced and sufficient diet doing wonders where others starve and waste away. Regular exercise and care, Anneliese knows how to look after herself and does so almost religiously – she wouldn’t dream of doing even half of the things that these wastelanders do to themselves and each other. Exercise, care, diet – these luxuries are clear when you look at Anneliese and currently her appearance screams ‘vault-dweller’. The attention she receives from both her fellow vault-dwellers and wastelanders alike serves to reinforce the fact that she is by far one of the more desirable creatures to grace the terrible wastes that the world has become. [u][b]Race: [/b][/u] Human [u][b]Strengths: [/b][/u] [b]Headsmart[/b]: Anneliese was chosen specifically by Doctor Hadley because of her strong and focused nature and her quick mind above all, though her athletic frame and her specific skillsets (and of course her constant badgering as well as the intimate nature of their relationship) certainly helped too. [b]Energy Weapon Savant[/b]: As well as being close to peak physical condition Anneliese is somewhat of an expert on energy weapons technology, more than skilled in their maintenance and use. Her laser rifle is like an extension of herself, each component and part examined and modified in her spare time (her rifle and any other energy weapons she could get her hands on) – Anneliese could almost disassemble and assemble her rifle in the pitch black if she needed to, not that she’d like to put that to the test. [u][b]Weaknesses: [/b][/u] [s]Cheese![/s] [b]Naïve/Trusting[/b]: Anneliese grew up in vault 96 and as such is far from used to the world outside. To her life is black and white, good or bad. She incorrectly assumes that she is a fantastic judge of character, putting her trust in those who earn it – a little too easily so (similarly someone who looks what she would deem untrustworthy may incorrectly gain her mistrust). Fortunately for her Dr Hadley is around and deals with the wastelanders and makes up for her lack of ‘wasteland smarts’ and experience. [b]Arrogant/Vain[/b]: Without beating around the bush Anneliese is rather big headed, assuming that as a vault-dweller she pretty much already knows everything worth knowing and that a wastelander couldn’t possibly teach her anything worth knowing. Similarly so her appearance is right up there on her list of concerns, similarly the appearance of others is something that often causes her much distress (after all who wants to look at an ugly, filthy, disease ridden and badly dressed wastelander for longer than required). [u][b]Personality: [/b][/u] Anneliese is a vault-dweller and as such has a very different personality from the general riff-raff. She is generally polite, well-spoken and articulate – her chosen vocabulary often unintentionally leaves her with confused or even angry looks so she usually has to dumb down what she says. At heart she is endlessly curious, always seeking more sources of pre-war information and technology and willing to endure quite a bit to achieve her goals – not that this has been put to the test yet. That being said she is somewhat out of place in the wasteland, having little to connect her to the outside world other than Dr Hadley and the group of dwellers that she is travelling with. Something tells me this is about to change. [u][b]Skills/Attributes:[/b][/u] Anneliese scored top marks in her GOATs. Good at shooting things with energy weapons. Better at tinkering with and maintaining them. Pretty good with old world tech. Pretty good with medicine. [u][b]Back-story: [/b][/u] Anneliese was born amongst the inhabitants of vault 96 and lived a rather normal life as a vault dweller. A happy child with few concerns, life was good. Her parents (her father was the overseer, her mother a teacher) ensured that she received the best education possible, the young girl flourishing in such a positive environment. Soon enough she found herself as a young woman, filling the slot of a junior technician as she worked on the vaults most fragile systems thanks to her quick mind and careful hand. Eventually she discovered the wonders of energy weapons and found herself obsessed – trading away her few possessions for a hardly functioning laser rifle(after persuading one of the vault’s ‘traders’ to do so on her behalf) as the vault had only a few barley functioning laser pistols. Countless hours of tinkering and toying with it later Anneliese finally got it working after substituting and repairing several of the parts. From that moment on every single extra bit of food, water or anything else she saved for when a trade caravan would leave the vault, before she would beg them to bring back as many of the microfusion cells the weapon consumed as ammunition as possible. Anneliese’s room looked more like a workshop turned firing range before eventually her father took note of her obsession, more-so he was concerned with the crates of food and water she was trading away than anything else. It soon became clear that the young woman would not cease and so he encouraged and assisted her where possible, giving her a workshop of her own and arranging for provision of the items she needed for her extra ‘work’. Several years later the vault found itself in trouble, one of the key components for their water extraction and purification facilities began to fail. After the vault’s best technicians (Anneliese included) had tried all they could it became clear there was only one solution – they needed a replacement from another vault (or similarly high-tech pre-war facility). After failing to barter such an item it became again clear that they would need to physically get the part themselves before it failed or they would all need to leave the safety of their vault or die of thirst. Jumping at the opportunity to not only assist the vault, but to also further her experiences and knowledge of energy weapons she applied to go with the group to search the wastes. Initially the idea was met with huge resistance from her parents, but eventually with much convincing and the assistance of Dr Vincent Hadley (one of the several other vault dwellers who would be going, also Anneliese’s rather fantastic lover of the past several months) they were finally convinced. They left the vault 21 days ago… Other: (Anything else you'd like to include) [/hider] Gooood Rp sofar! Would love to join, would be interested in that shiny go-GM badge too if you'll have me. Edit: Should have checked really... hope its fine I've made a none merc character. (At least not a merc [I]yet[/I]).