[h3][color=a2d39c][b][center]Ntaj Zoov Yaaj[/center][/b][/color][/h3] [Center][color=a2d39c][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Camp [color=a2d39c][b]Actions:[/b][/color] Eating[/center] Just as Cyneburg asked, Ntaj handed her a plate. It had many juicier parts of the food that Sana had brought, including some nice, chunky vegetables. The only thing that Ntaj didn't give her was any water, since his other hand had a plate of food also with a decent selection. It seemed to be stacked with various meaty bits, most of it which was for Honey. [color=a2d39c]"Tch! Honey! Over here!"[/color] Ntaj commanded the badger, who was eager to eat the half-orc's food. He handed a piece of well cooked rabbit haunch for Honey to eat, gradually feeding him more bits between his own bites. Unlike Honey, who was being carnivorous, Ntaj's meal was a bit more balanced. With lots of mushrooms too. Keystone's meal was far better than anything Ntaj has eaten recently, though perhaps that was just because Ntaj has been eating rations and whatever he could scavenge. How Sana managed to find such a bounty in a short amount of time was likely divine intervention, especially considering how many orcs were in these areas. Something told Ntaj that she was no simple bard, but then again what bard is ever simple? In Ntaj's experience they were either spoony and goofballs, or assassins with the cunning of wizards. Not that they weren't immortal or anything, everyone dies, but they were a mixed bunch. As Ntaj filled his belly with food Keystone mentioned something about Dead Folks, which Ntaj assumed he meat zombies. Ntaj had no luck finding any trace of undead in the forest, or any hint of anything aside from orcs and his own footprints. How or why zombies were here was also another thing to question, but if they're being lead by a necromancer then Ntaj could get a good idea; either it's someone with a chip on his shoulder, or trying to amass an army for some sort of evil god/cult nonsense. Storybook things. Rarely has Ntaj ever heard of anyone amassing an undead horde for benevolent reasons anyways. Another thing that caught Ntaj's eye was Sana and Kyra. Ntaj wasn't too certain why Sana started kissing Keystone all of the sudden, but when he saw Kyra step close to Sana, his eyes went towards Sana's knife. Slowly, it started to click in Ntaj's head. Why Sana and keystone were kissing, why Thomas was nearly thrown into a fire, what Kyra was doing, and what Calanon meant by "dealing with a few group problems". Keystone had gotten angry at Thomas for some reason, and fitting for a brawler he sought to make his point with violence. Sana intervened, perhaps on Keystone or Thomas's behalf, but evidently she had her own thoughts on the matter, which was why Kyra was stopping Sana from drawing her weapon. Now Ntaj only wondered what Thomas did, and whether or not he was innocent or guilty. A sly smile grew on Ntaj's face. Internal conflicts were good. It weeded out the weak and allowed people to assert their dominance. While Ntaj hasn't been with this group for long, he could tell easily that everyone was cowed by Kyra, Keystone, and possibly Sana? At the very least she had some sway with Keystone and Kyra. If Ntaj had to guess, Thomas must have done something to challenge Keystone's authority enough that he had to take action. If any orcs were watching, then this would be good; it showed that Keystone could assert his order. However the fact that Thomas only had a sore bum might have weakened that action, as Sana had to interfere to stop the fight instead of letting Thomas's punishment be carried out. That might tell the orcs that the leadership is divided, or easily swayed with carnal pleasures. Ntaj was still uncertain what Sana and Keystone's relationship was, but he guessed they were lovers, former or otherwise. Regardless, Ntaj wondered if this would be a reoccurring issue. Thomas was still the wild card here, since Ntaj had no idea what exactly Thomas did to earn his scorn. It could be good, it could be bad, but whatever it was it needed to be addressed. So in Ntaj's infinite wisdom, he decided to bring this issue forward. [color=a2d39c]"Where's Thomas?"[/color]