Work in progress, here's a little preview of what I intend to play. Feel free to give your opinions as I update it. Actually rolled a d100 for her age, hahaha! EDIT: Actually finished the CS. Damn, I've been at it for quite a few hours. I do hope it will be enjoyable to read and will be accepted. [hider=Anastasia Shadowsong] [center][color=ed1c24][h1]Anastasia Shadowsong[/h1][/color][/center] [color=ed1c24][b]Name:[/b][/color] Anastasia Shadowsong [color=ed1c24][b]Race:[/b][/color] Vampire Half-Elf [color=ed1c24][b]Age:[/b][/color] 152 years old [color=ed1c24][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [img][/img] A woman of striking beauty, it is no wonder people would compare Anastasia to a divine envoy. Her alabaster skin is so pale that one would wonder if sun has ever touched her directly, and her silvery-white hair gives her an otherworldly look combined with the color of her skin. To complete an appearance that would make people believe the pale woman standing before them was a ghost, Anastasia has piercing ice-blue eyes that appear to contemplate one’s very soul when her gaze crosses yours. Outside of battle, Anastasia is often clothed in flowing black dresses, mostly revealing as if the purpose was to show off her beauty, or shorter but still suggestive garments depending on the area she is visiting. The more dusty/muddy the area, the less likely are the chances she will wear dressed, instead opting for skirts or shorter dresses. Dressed as such, Anastasia often wears silver jewelry and ornaments that represent her deity. When traveling or during battle, the black witch will be wearing a pitch-black full bodysuit that wraps her body so tightly that not even a single curve or detail of her silhouette is concealed. Conceptualized for traveling or combat, she will rarely wear anything loose, and her long flowing hair is tied in a ponytail. But those appearances are often hidden underneath a long flowing black hooded cloak that envelops Anastasia completely. In fact, she really looks much like the Reaper itself once she has donned her cloak. She is mostly seen as such during daytime or in dense populated areas, assuming she is not fighting. [color=ed1c24][b]Deity:[/b][/color] Nethelin, the God of Death and Decay. [color=ed1c24][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Originally, Anastasia was a lone but sweet young girl. She loved people, and wished the very best to everyone, even the dead. But due to a past full of torment, she a grown to become insensitive and uncaring for the world, deaf to the suffering of the world. While she is slowly regaining back her humanity, Anastasia never seems to smile anymore. If there isn't a frown on her face, she simply keeps a neutral face, tinged with sadness. Her peace of mind is now replaced by a desire of vengeance against the undead. While she still feel compassion for others, she has turned into a pragmatic person who will stop at nothing to accomplish her goals. It had become very hard to know exactly the vampiric priestess' feelings. While some may say she is a generous and benevolent soul, others who have seen her in her worst moments would tell of a zealous and vengeful spirit. [color=ed1c24][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f][i]Masterful:[/i][/color] Divine Magic [color=9e0b0f][i]Skilled:[/i][/color] Binding and Affliction [color=9e0b0f][i]Adept:[/i][/color] Healing Arts and Tracking [color=9e0b0f][i]Novice:[/i][/color] Fighting and Athletics [color=ed1c24][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] Hailing from a small town in Melfic's kingdom, Anastasia was just a normal child born from two religious parents. Her mother was a human, devoted to the Life Goddess. Her father was an Elf who lived outside Aith Anur, praying to the Death God. While many would find strange to see people of two opposing faiths uniting in marriage, both held the same beliefs about the concepts of Life and Death. They claimed one's life was worth only by one's actions throughout their life, and when they would come upon the doors of Death, its King will show benevolence to those who have been faithful in their life. Taking upon her parents' fervent beliefs, Anastasia grew to be a religious person herself. Ever since she was a young child, Anastasia had lived the secluded life of a priestess. Everyday was dedicated to the God of Death, Nethelin. Praying for the dead's peaceful departure, she started with offering prayers to the deceased and comforting the families of the deceased in her early years as a priestess. As time went by, the young priestess' devotion did not go unnoticed, and she was promoted from her simple tasks to safekeeping the goods left behind by the dead, cataloging their belongings to afterwards evenly distribute those to the deceased's relatives. After years of service in those duties, she was promoted even further to organize funerals and ceremonies. At some point, people of her town would consider Anastasia to be one of the highest-ranked member of the clergy. Until one day she had to take care of a peculiar ceremony. The deceased man she had to arrange his funeral ceremony precised in his last will that he wanted to be buried at night. The man had no belongings, no family, nothing, just as if he was a man that had never existed before. As such, it was on a quiet night that the Death Priestess and the gravekeeper held the funeral. However, just as it was time to bury the dead, Anastasia watched in horror as a hand tore open the coffin and viciously tore the gravekeeper in pieces. All she could remember afterwards was the flash of a shadow rushing to her, the unholy strength that took hold of her, then the burning sting upon her neck as she fell unconscious. It did not take long for Anastasia to realize that fate held a cruel twist for her, as she became exactly one of those people she prayed for and bid farewell with each ceremony. She had become one of the undead, bitten by a Vampire who had the daring idea of making her his slave. In the beginning, the young priestess was shocked and fell in depressions. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't kill herself, and eventually resigned herself to her fate. But as years went by, she had lost all sense of herself as she was prey to the Vampire who turned her into his plaything. She had become insensitive, not caring anymore about anything. Her numbness eventually became her weapon as the Vampire who took her captive lowered his guard around the now-broken slave. One day, the foolish undead man left Anastasia's cage open and went to rest. It was but too late when he woke up with a stake up his heart. The once gentle Anastasia had become a broken and numb doll that cared for nothing, except for vengeance. The day she had killed her warden, the young woman had turned just about 78 years old, but her body remained that of her 25 years old, the same as when she was bitten. Now free from her captor, Anastasia had nowhere to go. Taking the vampire's belongings, she left his lair and spent years wandering the world. At first, there was not much purpose in her wandering, but as she began to explore the world, meet new people who have been nice to her, she slowly began to regain her old composure. She was not quite how she was back then, she could never return to her old self after what she had endured, but at least she felt like part of her humanity returned. Remembering who she was, she found a new resolve in her newfound life. Anastasia would still pray to the Death God, but she would serve as his to reach out to the undeath that still had not found peace in death, much like herself. She would dedicate her life in destroying the mindless undead and guide the spirits to the other side, so to prevent what had happened to her. With this purpose, she traveled the continent of Aithun, cleansing the undead wherever she would find them and hear of them. That was before the Undying Wars. With the undead swarming out of her father's birthplace, Aith Anur, she was now busier than ever. She had fought the Undying many times over, but her allies never managed to completly quell the scourge, only managing to fight off the invasions. After the War of Perseverance, the now-Reaper was trying to find a solution to put an end to the Undying, but she knew she couldn't do it alone. When the call of Duchess Stormsparrow was given, Anastasia felt that such a powerful, wealthy and respected figure could perhaps have the ressources and the means to accomplish the priestess' goals. With that in mind, Anastasia was one of the first to propose her services to the Duchess. [color=ed1c24][b]Weapons and Armor:[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f][i]Erholsamer:[/i][/color] A scythe crafted by Vampire mages, this weapon was not designed for actual fighting, but rather serves as a divine focus for a priest of Nethelin, just as a staff is used for a wizard. Despite being used as a focus rather than a weapon, Erholsamer's blade is made of blackened steel and is still very sharp, easy to lop off heads should one be able to swing the weapon with an ideal angle. To aid its wielder in defending herself, Erholsamer was crafted from Darkwood, alchemically-enchanced wood to make it just as light as wood but as strong as metal. What makes the weapon unwieldy in battle is mainly because the handle is so light and the blade so heavy that the scythe is very unbalanced. However, should one actually master this lack of balance, Erholsamer is actually perfect for spinning around, which is mainly how Anastasia uses her magic. [color=9e0b0f][i]Dukelventra:[/i][/color] A wicked looking kriss dagger made of blackened steel with its handle covered in blood red cloth, this ceremonial edge was crafted with the purpose of making blood rituals. In essence, the dagger is another focus, used to make pacts, rituals and ceremonies involving someone's blood to grant magical effects or curses. Most of these blessings/curses activate once a certain requirement is met, at the caster's choice at the time the edge draws blood from the recipient. [color=ed1c24][b]Possessions:[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f][i]Shatenshleier:[/i][/color] This hooded cloak was solely made for Vampires or creatures of the night. When the hood is donned, the wearer's face disappears, leaving a void of darkness to look upon. Enchanted by strong Darkness magic, the pitch-black cloak enables beings weakened or destroyed by sunlight to walk during daytime. Donning this cloak also enables its wearer to use Darkness magic when light would otherwise negate it, and it strengthens at night or in dark areas. Due to the clothing covering the entire body, the wearer effectively blends with the darkness or dark shadows. [/hider]