[center][youtube][url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o40JlfPou20[/url][/youtube][/center] The Nyx, Beautiful in her design yet deadly in combat. Her almost silver bow shined in the lights of the hangar bay. But she was without a captain. Until now that is. Theodore smiled a warm smile as he walked up to the ship. The small scale model had already shown some of her elegance but seeing the real ship was a completely different experience. He had read some of the files the admiral had given him while on his way over here. And while it did give him some important insight about the ship itself he wanted to know the full picture. After all,a captain should know the insides and outsides of his vessel and a few simple sheets of paper weren't gonna complete this task. As he looked at the Nyx he spotted the martian officer who was supposed to show him around the ship and brief him on the stealth drive.The officer appeared to be a she. She was at least a head shorter than Theodore. Her skin was Caucasian and her blonde hair was mostly covered by an officer hat. She seemed a tad younger than him Maybe five years at most. "Are you Colonel Anderson?" "That would be me yes." She gave a firm salute her face hardening slightly as she did. "Lieutenant Leandra foster reporting sir. I will be your engineering officer during missions aboard the Nyx. I will also be handling the stealth drive." " At ease Lieutenant, and please just call me Theodore". She raised a small eyebrow at that though it wasn't of surprise but more of annoyance. " With all respect sir, i prefer Colonel just fine. Now if you would please join me towards the ship itself. We have quite some ground to cover." Theodore held back a small sigh as he simply nodded. " As you wish Lieutenant lead the way." With that said, she turned around and walked towards the boarding ramp. Theodore walking right behind here. He never liked people that didn't act like a normal human being. Then again Maybe this was just her way of dealing with the fact that earth and almost the entire human race was doomed. And who could blame her? The ship was almost empty of people besides the odd engineer working on something. Theodore listened to Leandra's explanation of the ship itself. Theodore was impressed, to say the least. " Lieutenant, how do you know so much about this vessel?" He said cutting through her explanation about the science bay. " I was stationed on this ship even before the three-day war happened." She said in her icy tone. " I assume you served under the rear admiral then?" Theodore asked as he walked next to her adjusting to her pace as he did. "Indeed i did." She said her face showing a bit of pride of that fact. As she faintly grinned. "Then excuse me for asking this but did he already have that eye patch when you served as his officer?" Leandra rolled her eyes at that remark as she had undoubtedly heard that same question a hundred times. " No sir he lost his eye during the battle of mars." There was silence after that. As both of them thought about that horrible day. Theodore decided that it would be best to drop the matter. As he himself would also rather not think about that dark day. After that, they walked in silence with only the sound of their boots on metal plating and the slight humming of the air recycles. After a few minutes of horrible silence, the entered the ground vehicle bay. Where two massive R207 Beast command vehicles were stationed. Theodore had only seen these things once and even then it was bizarre how such a thing could actually drive. Human engineering at it's finest. "These will be used for planetary exploration. They will act independently while planet side and since they have some weaponry they won't be helpless when something goes wrong." "Good i have always disliked babysitting." "Have to agree with you there sir. Now if you'll please follow me to the bridge." Theodore nodded and quietly followed her to an elevator. In only a minor minute the elevator was already at bridge level. Theodore was slightly disappointed as the bridge seemed to be a lot smaller than he had anticipated. Instead, he found there to be only four seats facing forward and on the left a lone communication station. Then again the view kinda made it better as the bridge was placed in the rear meaning that he had an excellent view over his ship. The bridge felt somewhat barren. Then again Martians cared more about efficiency in his mind. What interested him most was his own personal command chair. Which was also the pilot chair which was covered by a green HUD overlay at the front. Leandra noticed his interest which wasn't hard considering he was gawking at it. " I assume you are liking the bridge?" Theodore looked back a smile forming on his face. " Not that bad lieutenant. Not that bad at all." After this, she would give him the ropes around the stealth technology. How she activated it how long it would last. And how effective it was in combat. After a while of talking and discussing things about the ship's capabilities, they were already outside. " Is there anything else you would like to know sir?" She asked politely. " No thank you-you have helped me out more than enough. I will leave you to your work then." She gave Theodore a quick salute and walked off back into the ship. Theodore walked off to one of the busses that were stationed close by and decided that he would take a swing at the simulator rooms since his shift was still a way off. After a few hours of training, he got some food. Did his shift for the day and after simply went to sleep. The next day was the same schedule. However, while he was once again training in the sim room he got a message from leeroy saying if after the evening shift he would like to join him and a couple of other officers to visit a club. Theodore, of course, responded with a resounding yes and told him he was looking forward to the evening. Leeroy responded with. "I knew you would. But please make sure you wear something nice. Considering we work under the admiral we have to look the part." Theodore sends a good reply back saying he understood and went back to training. After this, he went back to his shift on the bridge where he and Leeroy had a nice conversation about who would join. Apparently, Leeroy was able to convince a few other officers two security officers and an engineer to join up together for some fun. Besides that, they had their normal talks about the ship and other small things that weren't worthy of being mentioned. After his shift was over he told Leeroy he would see him in a few minutes as he walked back to his room to get changed. Considering he had to look good he decided to wear his black tuxedo. And just casual black pants. After that he made his hair look reasonably look good and walked off towards the meeting point, the bus stop to be exact. It seems he was one of the last to arrive as almost everyone else was there. Leeroy introduced everyone to each other as he apparently knew everyone else. And after a small bit of waiting for the last person, they left towards the hub. The trip was rather boring and casual as there only was small talk was being made and nothing that peaked Theodore's interest. He'd always been the loner during parties. When he was sober that is. It was the evening as they arrived the hub. At least that's what the ceiling showed anyway. With a little bit of advertising scrolling across it. It always made Theodore smile when he saw it. Even when most of humanity was lost there was always time for some advertising. It made him chuckle a little at the thought of it. Walking through the packed streets the group arrived at the club called The pink bulb. Whoever decided to name this place must have been drunk or something but that didn't matter. As they approached the place Theodore could see a fairly long line for the exit with a rather big bouncer at the front. And as Theodore and the rest of the group was about to stand in line Leeroy laughed and told them to follow him. As they approached the bouncer Leeroy simply held up his id which the Bouncer inspected before letting them in even wishing them a nice stay. As they walked through what looked like a tube with flashing light shining through it Theodore approached his friend and asked him why the bouncer just let them in. " Simply the fact that I'm working for the admiral is all." " Really? Why do i highly doubt that fact?" " Well, Mabey that and the fact that i paid the guy 50 credits just to let us in." Theodore wanted to ask why he would do such a stupid thing they entered the end of the tunnel and he found his eyes blinded by a laser beam and as his eyes readjusted to the light he found himself in the Pink Bulb. And what a place it was. [center][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/bcfb/f/2013/270/3/2/gossii_cassel_bar_by_hazzard65-d6o7fck.jpg[/img][/center] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbQgXeY_zi4[/url] The club was packed, to say the least. Music was blaring from almost everywhere and the dancing floor was packed. The music that was playing was like a mix of jazz and techno combined into one. Theodore had no problem with it at all as he enjoyed himself watching the chaos envelop him. The group walked to one of the tables that weren't already packed full and started ordering drinks. at first, everyone was acting polite and wasn't coming loose that much. That changed after the third round. It got worse and worse as more drinks were ordered and at one point there was a small pyramid in the middle. Theodore was already having drinking competitions at this point and was usually the winner. At his point, the conversations people were having were less than normal and the group had devolved into a bunch of drunk idiots. It was fucking hilarious is what it was. And as the tenth round came the talks weren't exactly normal. " I'm telling you frank hic. The aliens wanna eat all the potatoes we have." " And I'm telling you Bob hic that the aliens wanna eat all out tomatoes !" Needless to say, the conversations were idiotic. At some point, the group started showing their dance moves on the dancing floor. Said dancing moves included the tango and the robot. Theodore never being much of a dancer decided to get himself a drink. He still didn't have a problem walking which was a good thing. And as he was at the bar he ordered a small glass of cold beer with nice to wake him up. But as he was taking his first swig his eye caught the attention of an angel. Not a literal angel but she looked like one for sure. After that everything in his memory went black. The blaring of the phone alarm blared through Theodore's headphones. And as he slowly woke up he quickly noticed that he wasn't in his room. The room was painted mostly green, had different furniture and also had a faint smell of perfume. He also realized he was sleeping naked. Something which he never did as he always slept on his undies. But as was about to get up to explore this place he noticed someone laying against him preventing him from standing up. As he looked down he looked at beatyfull women. She was blond. Almost porn blond to be honest as her hair was almost white. However, before he could do anything else she groaned and rolled away from him. A few emotions rolled through his head. The first was some form of pride. It has been a while since he had gotten laid. Then there was the option of fear as he hoped he had used protection. Since the last thing, he was thinking about was having an accidental child. But before he could think about anything else the women woke up and looked him right in the eyes with her brown ones. What followed was a high pitched scream and punch in the left eye which send Theodore rolling down the bed and onto the cold floor. The punch came with a surprise as he didn't expect her to do this. Meaning that the hit had made its mark. And the pain wasn't exactly pleasant either. But before he could think of anything else he heard the angry voice of the women whose voice he still did not know to get the fuck out. An answer which she enforced by throwing a shoe at him. Theodore promptly answered by grabbing his clothes, running out the apartment while dodging throwable objects and smashing his face against the corridor of the apartment complex. Needless to say, it was not a good morning. As he put his clothes back on he checked his phone for any messages. Apparently, Leeroy had been sending him message after message asking him where the hell he was. Theodore decided to ignore him for now as he would see him on the bridge. He left the apartment complex finding himself to be in one of the lower levels of the hub. he took a few elevators and after a quick bit of walking he entered one of the bosses and headed to his own room. He quickly took a shower and as he did he got a message from the girl who had punched him right in the eye. Which was starting ti turn blue at this point. Apparently, they had switched phone numbers. She explained that she was sorry about whats she had done and wanted to apologize and offered a drink a few days later. Theodore responded with a yes also asking for her name. The reply came and her name appeared to be Lucy. As he got properly dressed he couldn't hold back a little smile as he realized he had just been asked to go on a date. He was still in the game. And at this point, the black eye felt worth it. As he approached the bridge officers noticed the swollen and blue eye he had. He told them that he had walked into something and that it wasn't as bad as it seemed. As he entered the bridge he caught the angry glimpse of Leeroy. " And where the hell did you run off too." He then noticed the eye which was kinda starting to swell at this point. " And how the hell did you get that? Did you get into a fight again?" Theodore chuckled to that. " You could say that."