Name: Ciel Jaquith Nickname: None. Age: 11 Appearance: [url=][img][/img][/url][url=]post images[/url] Skills: Ciel, while young, is a marksman like no other. With the right equipment, he can hit almost anything from impressive distances. While he favors the crossbow, he can use light rifles as well. Background: Ciel was born to rich and highly overprotective parents. He essentially grew up in a plastic bubble, constantly shooed away from the outside world. For whatever reason, Ciel never learned to talk. His parents started to suspect something was wrong when he still hadn't said a single word at the age of three, so they sent him to several doctors and speech therapists to try and break him out of his silent shell, yet nothing worked. Other than that, however, Ciel seemed pretty normal for a kid who never really had much time to interact with the world. In spite of his asthma and several allergies, he kept himself in good physical shape. He took up archery at the age of seven when his aunt and uncle gave him a toy crossbow at the age of seven, and he soon moved on to real bows and even had some practice with guns (when his parents weren't around, of course). At the age of ten, he started sneaking out of the house more, exploring his town and trying to make friends despite his lack of ability to speak. He really broke away from his parent's idea that the outside world was too dangerous for a frail little rich kid like him. He started taking his shooting lessons more seriously, even winning a few competitions. Of course, when the asteroid hit, his parents jumped at the opportunity to protect their son by placing him in for hybernation. They intended to do so for themselves after they finished with a business venture they had going on, but they never got to, naturally, and now their son will wake up alone. Personality: Ciel doesn't talk, ever. It's unknown whether or not he can at all or if there's really something wrong with his vocal cords. Despite this, he's not terribly shy, and is capable of communicating through sign language and writing. He's very intelligent and mature for his age, though he is dependent on others for basic survival needs. He is headstrong and hates to seem weak, even though physically speaking he is. He hides his inner sensitivities and insecurities behind a hard and guarded shell. It takes him a while to truly trust people, and he often holds doubts in his mind about even his closest friends. This may make socialization a bit more difficult, but in a situation like this it makes him safer in the long run. In general, he's very well held together for his age and is a loyal companion. Blooper: The biggest one is his age. Ciel is small, weak and sickly. He's not a solo player by any means and needs to be cared for by others to survive. Think of him as a glass cannon. If he has the element of surprise, he's a valuable member of any team. If not, he can be quite the hinderance.