[center][color=96FE01][h2][b]Elisa Wilmeg[/b] [i][u]Zentai Mountains, Southern Plains[/u][/i][hr][/h2][/color][/center] A quick hum moved Elisa around a rather empty area. Her "workshop" — one of many — was a generous outcrop. She could stay there for weeks on end, surviving on mushrooms, dew, and rainwater. Though, the longest period that she had gone in one of these natural workshops was 2 days, 7 hours, 39 minutes, and 3 seconds, as the taste of mushroom was less than pleasant. Beasts were naturally repelled, as one had to out of their way to enter the area, which let Elisa have some piece of mind. But, despite this so-called "piece of mind" seemed to have vanished. She was frantically pacing around the area due to her most recent experiment. Every so often, she would look at her collection of flipped hour glasses placed along the wall. The first was a minute, the next was two minutes, the next three, and so on and so forth. It was quite amazing how many hour glasses she had. It was at this point that the eighth hourglass' sand moved to the bottom. A moment of hope shined in Elisa's eyes. She froze for a moment. Could this be it? Could this be the breakthrough that she was working for? A faint green light began to emanate from the Earth. Elisa stopped and looked very carefully. The light began to shine out of the cracks of the ground. It took a moment for Elisa to realize what was happening. The ground began to split. Elisa, in a quick panic, screeched out in panic. She looked around. Spotting a nearby alcove that separated the dirt and stone, she quickly dove into it. The light began to fade away. However, Elisa, as she had seen this routine before, held her head as she kept low. Her giant robot arms, of course, covered her body and separated her from the earth. The outcrop exploded in a giant blast. It was decimated; Elisa was (mostly) fine, but the same couldn't be said about her workshop — and especially her hourglass collection. Luckily, the explosion was mostly upwards. This blessing, as Elisa thought, was also a curse. According to the world's natural physics, whatever goes up... Elisa quickly lifted the Panzerfaust to protect herself. Shards of sharp rock rained down from the sky. Elisa just sat there, stone rain smashing down upon the metal fists. "Well then," Elisa said, her voice still spunky despite her failure, "Looks like I need to get a new workshop. And also maybe stop experimenting with batteries."