[@Sep] That would work. And sure, Don and Dawn could just be NPCs. I'm not sure if Bart would be old enough to be a Leaguer yet but maybe Wally's kids are. [@Polyphemus] Really good sheet, there are only a couple minor things I want to discuss. When it comes to Aquaman do you think you could make his description more ambiguous in case someone wants to play the character as Pacific Islander? And how do you think it fits in with the time-line if Aquaman's actually older than Manta, Atlantean genes at play? Also do you want to put in any references to his son Kaldur in case you want to use him later or do you want to leave it ambiguous? What do you think of him possibly having a daughter, in reference to this cameo character from Kingdom Come? [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/4/4a/Black_Manta_Kingdom_Come_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120126220332[/img] Those are only very small things I want to talk about. You can go ahead and put Manta in the CS tab, I just wanted to discuss these things and you can edit the sheet later to change those details if you wish, as I see no issues at all in the sheet itself. I like the reference to Markovia, I think Geo-Force would be one of the League's big allies in the war and a rivalry between King Brion and Black Manta would be a nice detail.