[color=Gold]"True, but they usually put on airs of decorum and civilty."[/color] Asmodeus responded to her question, drawing her deeper into the throng as they began to move to the beat of the music. Despite it's intensity, everything he said cut through all the noise and chatter. [color=Gold]And as for what I want, well, that's a simple thing, really. A night of fun and entertainment, nothing more, nothing less."[/color] As the pace of the music began to steadily pick up, so to did Asmodeus' movements, and yet he never tripped or fumbled over himself or Clara, holding an almost unnatural sense of poise and grace. That wasn't the only think unnatural about him, however, as Clara would soon begin to feel a strange heat spreading out from her core. It was a slight feeling at first, almost unnoticeable, but as time wore on, the feeling only seemed to grow in intensity. Like a fire raging inside, desire would well up inside her the longer she remained within Asmodeus' presence, awakening within her a long for his touch, and aching for his voice. But unlike the other poor victims within the club that he had effected, she would be able to resist these feelings if she so chose, the vampiric blood in her veins able to suppress these emotions before they took hold of her. However, the allure of giving in was strong in it's own right, for as the emotions grew, so to did the pleasure she would feel from all the vices she wanted to indulge in. His touch would send pulses of it up her spine, and as he drew in closer, attempting to make the dance become more and more intimate. His breath smelling faintly of lavender would seem to excite a primal, bestial sense of desire deep within her chest. But the most powerful feeling being imposed upon her was one of submissiveness, as if being near him was draining her own sense of self, of independence. As his hands would go to explore her body, the desire to challenge him might have been overcome, at that moment, by the wants of her flesh, which was screaming at her to attack this man for reasons she likely couldn't explain. The want was so extreme, the scent of desire so thick in the air around him, that giving in not only would feel like the easy option, but it might've also seemed like the better one.