[center][color=f7976a][h2]Ignatuis Lux[/h2][/color][/center] Everything has gone to shit. First, that Blonde girl breaking that guy's leg now the end of Vale as they knew it after the star student from Mistral shredding an android girl into ribbons right in front of everybody to see. That put people on edge, him especially, but the worst possible thing had to arrive with the Grimm. The White Fang. He was not prepared to deal with them, not now or ever. But it would seem like fate have something in store for him. And now he has to cut down the very people that saved him from a life of slavery. It left a bad taste in his mouth. The silence made it all the worse. With only the humming of the engine and the propellers and the odd noise that the passengers made, it all seemed so surreal. Like this was all a terrible nightmare, but it wasn't, it was all real. And soon Ignatius would have his hands covered in the blood of people he once called his saviors. He knew one day they would do something this drastic, but he still wasn't ready for it. He never would've been. Suddenly the voices of his teammates rang out in the deafen silence. Daedalus' sincere worry. The hesitation in Layla's voice. And the indifference in Vi's voice. It helps ground in reality. Even just a little. Ignatius liked his team well enough; Daedalus was a darling and a better person than himself, Ig was surprised that they ended up as allies, but he wouldn't have it any other way. Layla was a good man as well, surprising since she came from Atlas, but she was a Faunus, so it was easy for them to talk and be friends although her technobabble was hard to follow sometimes, But she made it up being a powerful fighter, and he was glad to on her team. Vi. Vi is Vi. She is a hard person to figure out, when they first met he thought he figured her out, Ignatius thought she was nothing more than her ancestors, but Vi wasn't, Vi was her own person, a terrible person, but she's her own person nevertheless. But damn, she's useful in a fight even with her flawed personality. Ignatius let out a deep sigh; he has to be there for his teammates he cannot let them carry him. So then he let out one of his charming smiles, although it was clearly fake. [color=f7976a]"You needn't worry, love, I'm all right."[/color] He wasn't.