Hooray (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 Name: Clover Age: Unknown, but she acts very young Race: Faerie Side: Armanian Union Appearance: [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/126/6/a/anime_fairy_render_by_ninetailsfoxchan-d4yp4x1.png] Personality: Happy, Exciteable, Cheerful Backstory: She technically has no home because she travels the world, sharing her magical dances for anyone willing to pay a coin. Weapon: if any, a sewing push pin (yeah, practical) Magics: Her style of dance determines the spell. Ranges from healing to attack to defense Other: Can assume a human sized form, but that itself is a spell. Normally the size of a human's palm. Strength: Good spells, easy protection and escape Weakness: Can't physically attack, can be easily captured.