[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjIzMGIwYi5SWEpwWXlCTGFXNW4uMAAA/metal-macabre.regular.png[/img] [img]http://s13.postimg.org/6f30mymg7/Jason_Momoa_Supercon_2014.jpg[/img] [hr][/centre] Drago was silent as he sat in the bush, the area around him was a buzz with various nightly bugs all of whom were unaware of his presence among them. The area was barely lite, the darkness was almost blinding as the canopy above let no light through. Drago however could see like a predator with nocturnal vision, too many years spent in the dark of night. Drago moved forward ever so quietly, his feet were bare and made no noises upon his footfalls. In front of him he saw his prey, it was an male deer, a rather large buck with horns to compliment its huge muscular body. It was grazing silently upon the field next to the stream, not even aware of the approaching threat from the bush ten feet away. Ever so slowly Drago lifted the make shift bow and latched an arrow into the string which had been fashioned from many strips of sinew to give it not only strength was durability. Drago pulled the string back as it made a very low elastic creak from the wood the bow was fashioned of. [b]"Okay Drago you are officially in the zone. Time to break your losing streak tonight with a perfect shot to the neck."[/b] Drago spoke to himself very quietly under his breath, taking in a large breath he quickly held it and steadied the shot, aiming downwind he had a perfect angle on the buck. All the times he had missed with these damn survival bows, all the embarrassment, it was time to become the ultimate outdoors man, a mans man, the clark to gable, the king of Scotland, this was for all the marbles, a 7/10 split to win the bowling championships, the... [b]"Eventually you have to shoot it, right?"[/b] Drago damned near jumped out of his skin when a voice came out of nowhere right behind in, the arrow released from the bow and quickly disappeared into the darkness as Drago yelped in surprise alerting the buck and forcing it to run away from the stream in a straight beeline into the bush. Drago ran from the bush to the stream as he yelled. [b]"No! I was so close to winning the bowling championship!"[/b] Drago quickly realized he had just referred to hunting a deer as a bowling tournament and smacked himself in the head. He let himself slide to his ass in defeat as his friend James Davon came out of the bush looking like he had just won the imaginary championship Drago lost. [b]"So this is how you perceive hunting? Being in a bowling championship... at least now I understand why you can hit the brood side of a barn with survival made weapons, you suck at bowling."[/b] Drago could only look mad for mere moments before he let out a laugh and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet by James. Both of them walked back to their camp which was only about five minutes away and soon were sitting out under the stars with a cozy fire, a man made wigwam, and an uncharacteristic ice cold beer, compliments of James. As Drago let the foul tasting drink down his throat he thanked god for bad tasting inebriation as he felt the warmth of the crackling fire in front of him. [b]"So how you been bud? Its been such a long time since we last sat out together under the stars and relaxed.[/b] [b]"You know me James I am the pinnacle of optimism, all I need is a smile and a good conversation... and maybe a steak from a local restaurant now and again but keep it to yourself."[/b] Both men laughed at Drago's retort as they became silent again, there was an obvious air of tension between the two of them. Drago noticed it better then James did, he knew that things were changing, the world was changing and almost over night at that. Drago had heard about the rumors concerning the meteorite heading towards earth. He was still reeling from the offer that had been made to him, and offer that would if successful help him to survive the coming possible catastrophe. It was a bitter pill for anyone to swallow and it was even more so for the billions of people who would be affected by it, especially the man who sat across from him whom was not invited to the same opportunity, which is what lead to this night in the first place. James and Drago had been friends for so many years it was almost ridiculous and if Drago accepted this offer they would be parted, possibly for good and that was something painful to both of them. [b]"have you thought about the offer Drago? I know all this is like a movie and can't be real life, more then you think I do but.. if this thing is real... then having someone like you in the new world would be a godsend for anyone."[/b] [b]"I don't know James, I really don't. The prospect of leaving and... everything being possibly gone when I wake up, especially you, its just.. something I don't know how to feel about. I keep thinking that if this is to be the case then perhaps I should spend as much time as we have left instead of prancing off to be some new world hero. We all gotta pay the price of living sooner or later right? Why not do it with a clear conscious?"[/b] Drago took another drink from the beer as he swallowed it a bit hard, his unusually happy attitude was rather dimmed this night and it was hard not to notice it, especially if you knew him. Even the happiest person in the world couldn't just be optimistic in the face of such a decision and the outcome of that decision. Drago felt a warm hand on his shoulder, he looked up from the beer he had been staring at unknowingly in sort of a trance and James was looking him in the eye. [b]"I think you should do it... I know how you feel and I feel that way too. Its been a long road ever since I meant you on that back road in Georgia in that man made house of mud brick and straw. Me and you have seen more of the world then most people see in six lifetimes and we have amazing stories to tell three life's from now. But Drago this is bigger then us, then friendship, this could be the difference between the survival of our race and extinction. You have spent your life living without the use of technology, helping others to do the same thing, and if this catastrophe is to come to pass, then the world that is to come will need a man like you to show them the way. Neither one of us wants to see the other go, but its brings me comfort to know that one of us will be here to rebuild our civilization new again, especially someone who can take the darkness away and form it into light just being present."[/b] Drago put his hand on Jame's and squeezed a bit as he let the words sink in, it was hard having to hear them and knowing the reason why they had to be said, but it did not make it any easier to accept it knowing that James would be gone from this world when he awoke in the new world. [b]"I know your right James, you always had the special ability of seeing things in a bigger picture then I ever could. I know that a decision needs to be made and that time is running out. But let it be made tomorrow and not now. I would rather spend a good night with good food and drink with my closest friend, my brother then... this. Whatever may come, and what may be, let it be decided another day and let us toast a friendship that goes beyond time itself."[/b] James smiled and clinked his beer bottle with Drago's as both men took their last swigs from the bottles, James quickly produced two more for them with a smile as Drago put his hands in the air and let out a funny yelp of delight. [centre]††††††††††††††††††††[/centre] Drago stood silently outside the elevator that would lead him to the underground facility below, a black duffel bag lay clutching in his closed hand, despite the feelings deep down he held an characteristic chipper attitude as many people seemed to be scurrying back and forth around him. Drago looked at the survivalist watch on his wrist, a present from James and realized it was almost time to go. He just had one last thing to do before he went down on the elevator. [b]"Well well well, who is that good looking yet ugly looking man there. I hope you put the tear ducts on simmer you know I can't stand to see a grown man cry."[/b] Drago smiled as James walked up making his usual jokes, Drago smiled swallowing hard despite seeing James making it harder for him to do what he was about to do. Both men gave each other a big brotherly hug that seemed to last a good long time before either one of them wanted to let go and face each other. Drago found it hard to keep his smile as looked away from James and back towards the elevator, he was rethinking his decision now, and he realized he really didn't want to do this but just stay and enjoy what was left of their lives and go out as friends until the very end. [b]"Don't you think about staying Drago, its time that we go our separate ways. Iv had a lot of time to think about it, all the years we have traveled together, all the things we have seen, the people we have helped, the things we done throughout our friendship, and I know in my heart that your gonna bring that into the new world with you. I can't say it enough, they need a person like you, one who can the light through the dark, who never gives up despite the odds being against him. Your tough, your dependable, caring, and one of the funniest men I will ever know. Its time to share that with another place and time."[/b] Drago clenched his fist tightly as he listened, a lump formed in his throat knowing that the choice was made and there was no turning back on it. Forcing a smile towards James, Drago reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box which was gift wrapped and handed it to James whom smiled and quickly ripped open the gleaming paper to reveal a golden pocket watch with a picture of them both in Alaska so many years ago standing beside a tribe of Eskimos. [b]"Thank you James for everything, you showed me a world beyond what I ever knew or could have known. I am here right now because you gave me the motivation I needed to go beyond my comfort zone and learn more then I could ever imagine in a big huge world. I don't know what I will face when I wake up or who I will meet in this new world, but I will never forget... my brother whom.. gave me the best gift anyone man could receive... life.. life without boundaries, without regret. It has been an honor to know you, to be your friend, an no matter how far apart we will be become, one day we will see each other again and throw back some beers, an on the day we will have so many new stories to tell each other."[/b] The two men hugged one last time before James pulled a long box out from his coat and read down placing it inside of the black duffel near Drago's foot, zipping it back up he smiled again. [b]"Open when you awake Drago, let be a surprise, and know your friendship means more to me then anything in the world and I will never forget you."[/b] [centre]††††††††††††††††††††[/centre] Drago slowly opened his eye's as he was meant with a subtle yet bright blur in front of him among the very noticeable cold temperature within the room. It felt like someone had cranked the air conditioning up on a hot day and then broke the switch off by accident. Drago slowly went to exit the pod and his legs almost immediately failed him forcing him to crash to the ground with a heavy painful thud. [b]"Oh Bloody hell"[/b] Drago swore softly to himself as he reached down and tried to move his legs some, he felt quite fatigued and his legs were painfully numb, no doubt as a result of the hibernation. Pulling his legs in the best he could he had a little mobility as he worked his legs. He suddenly felt a tingling sensation one feel when they inadvertently put their limbs to sleep. Drago hated the sensation but at the same time was relieved to know his legs were still working. Reaching up he grabbed the side of his pod and pulled himself up slowly, his legs tried to give away a couple more time but he willed himself up and stood on his legs. Soon enough the tingling sensation disappeared and Drago's strength slowly started to return to him giving him new life again. With his ability to walk restored Drago took a look around the room and beside the other pods he saw no sign of life. He was not an expert but he at least expected a welcome committee to the new world, or at the very least a hot bowl of soup. [b]"Yeah Drago don't count on any Campbell chicken noodle anytime soon."[/b] Drago chuckled at his own dumb joke as he walked across the room, the floor was ice cold against his bare feet as he approached the other pods, one held a young woman and approaching the other one revealed a man. They were both still out cold and sleeping, Drago decided against waking them up and earlier the need be and would let them wake up naturally. He did not want to be on the wrong side of someone else's bed again when they awoke. Drago stretched his body from top to bottom, many of his joints cracked a popped, satisfyingly at that as he worked out all the cricks in his body. He wondered what year it was, or how long he had been asleep, or what was going on outside, these questions seemed to poor into his head as he trodded across the large room to a smaller door next to a console on the far wall. Looking at the console, he studied it finding the button that said open, with a click he pressed it, nothing happened. [b]"Really? Thats weird maybe its just cold or something."[/b] Drago pressed the button again, the doors gave a small hiss and opened like maybe an inch and a half. Drago rolled his eye's as he approached the doors, putting one hand on either side of each door he grunted as he attempted to push them apart. His muscles were not fully awake yet and the task proved harder then it would be, however he was able to wrench the doors apart enough to get inside the room. This room was too empty and void of life, it was the storage space for the personal affects of everyone in the pods, the same room they placed all their items in upon arrival. Drago could really use some clothing, especially socks and shoes at that, pulled the black duffel from one of the racks he was thankful his memory was returning sharply to him otherwise he would have frozen some more in this air conditioned pit. Drago reached into the bag and pulled out a pair of timberland boots along with a pair of socks and set them down on the nearby table, taking out a pair of green cargo pants he quickly slid out of the thin clothing he had worn before going to sleep and put on the pants fastening a canvas buckle around his waste. Placing the black socks on his feet the warmth was a much appreciated change as he laced up the boots on his feet. Reaching back into the bag he pulled out a red long sleeve thermo shirt along with his favorite brown leather coat, it was in that moment he noticed the rectangular box that had been placed among his clothing. The memory of his and James goodbye quickly hit him dead in the chest like a speeding cannonball and it hit hard. Reaching in slowly he removed the wrapped package gently and placed it on the table. Drago felt a sudden sadness as he realized that James was most likely gone now from this world. Drago reached down and gently pulled back the strips of tape on the packaging and removed the wrapping paper to reveal a carved wooden box of intricate design. Opening it revealed inside a [url=http://i1026.photobucket.com/albums/y323/southeastwilderness/TM%20Hunt%20Brass-Back%20Bowie/DSC_2197.jpg]beautiful custom made bowie knife[/url] with a matching leather sheath. Drago pulled the blade out revealing beneath it a letter along with a picture, taking out the picture it was the same picture Drago had put in the pocket watch he had given to James before he left, the picture was framed in a leather bound necklace. Picking up the folded piece of paper Drago opened it and silently read it sitting down on the table. Tears formed in the wells of his eye's as he read the words, he reached his hand up silently to wipe them away, looking down he stared at the floor and away from the letter as he sighed heavily and sadly, the reality hitting him so hard. Folding the letter gently and neatly Drago placed it behind the picture in the leather necklace and placed it over his neck snuggly before covering it with the red long sleeved shirt. taking the bowie knife he looked at it silently noticing it was a special made survival knife with a built in compasses on the end and tough nylon rope in the hilt. [b]"Well I am here James and I can't say its easy so far knowing your probably gone now. My head is screaming and my chest is aching but I know that it meant the world to you that I be here, that I make a difference and I will. I will miss you terribly but I will not let myself falter, I hope you can hear me wherever you may be and know that I won't fail. We left so much unsaid and so much left to time, but I will see you again one day when my time is up. I promise you though until then I will make this new world whatever it may be the best place I can for whoever I meet."[/b] Placing the sheath on his leg Drago placed the leather coat over his shoulders, placing the empty box back in his duffel he exited the small storage room and back in the main facility room. Upon entering the room he heard a voice saying Wakey Wakey, Drago smiled realizing he must have been in that room awhile or they just came to. [b]"Glad to see you all awaking, was sure hoping you wouldn't sleep for another thirty years otherwise I would be quite sad playing board games with myself. An trust me, a true debonair of independence, playing board games with yourself can be quite boring. My name is Drago its a pleasure to make your acquaintance. How is our friend here? Hopefully waking up soon, I fear that something might be amiss here, but heres to hoping I am just paranoid."[/b] Drago smiled genuinely with optimism even though in the back of his mind he had a horrible notion that this place being so empty and cold was not just a normal occurrence, he hoped he was wrong, he wanted to be wrong.