[center][img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46225469/RP/Tamako/Tamako_p.png[/img] — Outbreak Agency Cafeteria —[/center] [i]Tamachan[/i] The nickname made her happy, a feeling that she was still working on getting used to. Human emotions were complicated, though maybe neccessary. It might do to think on that later. A second later came a flash of something else, something that she didn't like at all. Anger. Her eyes faded from their natural pink to a slightly menacing red. This... Bragi fellow, another agent. This short interaction told her so much more about him than the short meeting earlier. [i]Prideful, self important.[/i] Tamako disliked him immediately She quickly decided against any actions at that point. Words, at that point would not sway his opinion. [i]distrustful, arrogant.[/i] She catalogued more observations, watching carefully with a cool look. Body temperatures betrayed the feelings of everyone in the room. She resolved to keep this in mind, perhaps find a way to work with him. He was a shooter, as was she. The android doubted that he was as accurate as she was. After he left Tamako turned back to Jennifer and Fuuka, eyes returned to their normal color. "Yes. That would be perfect." She took the pizza in hand and headed straight for the stairwell.