Hope it's not too late to join [hider=Garaiam] Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8c/0a/d0/8c0ad03d4eda1913f421f45c413e41d5.jpg[/img] Name: Garaiam Class: Mercenary Special Abilities: -Iron Breaker -Slayer Equipment: -Iron Sword -Vulnery -Reeking Box History: Garaiam was born in a small town in Tellius. Raised by his father who was an ex-Royal Guard, Garaiam was tough. He spent his youth training as a border guard, which he spent a majority of his young life as in later years. At the age of 25, he left the Guard and wandered for several years as a Sellsword. He returned home with a great amount of experience, around the same time that his town started receiving raids by small Barbarians that were scattered throughout the kingdom. As he had accumulated more skill than any other guard, he was appointed second-in-command as the guard captain led several small campaigns against the Barbarian Tribes. When his captain died, he took his helm and protected his hometown for five more years, until he tired of peace, and left to become a sellsword once more. Personality: [/hider]