Got to add a long ranger in the group! Can't wait to join if accepted hehe. [hider=Taka Hadakoto][img][/img] Appearance: 5'5" | 135 KG Name: Taka Hadakoto Sex: Male Class: Outlaw Special Abilities: Ironbreaker, Beastbane, and Slayer (Clear Mind) Equipment: Iron Bow, Vulnerary History: A family of brave samurai and knights...though Taka could never compete. He was never athletically fit as his family members, nor was he willing to be the one on the front lines. His grandfather noticed his determination to make them proud, but his stubborness to pick up the blade made the matter worse. This led to him being trained with the way of the bow under the tutaglage of his grandfather. However, when the rest of the family caught wind of this, Taka was exiled from the Hadakoto family and forced to live by himself in the city of Archanea. There, he did his best to complete his training while becoming a sort of Outlaw in the process as he usually used his arrows as diversions for all sorts of heists. He may be an Outlaw, but he's still a willing and friendly Archer at heart. Personality: Read rules XD[/hider]