[h2][color=8882be][u][i]Diego Reyes[/i][/u][/color]//[color=crimson][u][i]Raijin[/i][/u][/color][/h2] Diego walked out of the mandatory meet-and-greet with some of his less-socially-inclined coworkers feeling much the same as he did when he walked in: disappointed. He'd been disappointed before the meeting, not knowing just [i]how many[/i] sticks-in-the-mud he actually worked with, just waiting for him to ply his trade on. And he was even more disappointed now, since the meeting had barely just begun before people started trickling out of the room like particularly-hostile (and bored) maple syrup. What a let-down this day was turning out to be- perhaps he should pull a fire alarm or something, liven things up. Though, a fire alarm was a bit too juvenile for someone of his talents and experience. Uncle Coyote would be such disappoint in him for stooping so low. Hm. This might take a while. [color=crimson][b]Hmph. A shameful display in there, boy. You spoke scarcely a word, and slouched in your seat like a peasant. You are host to a god, need I remind you- I expect a more suitable demonstration of our might the next time we encounter your subjects.[/b][/color] Speaking of things taking such a long time... Diego rolled his eyes at the booming voice in his inner world. [color=8882be][i]They're not my subjects, Raijin, they're my coworkers/prank targets. And need I remind[/i] you, [i]you're not a god. Also, don't call me "boy-" I might actually be older than you.[/i][/color] [color=crimson][b]I will call you "boy" if I so desire it! Truly, never have I had such a witless and shiftless host before! You should be raising armies! Claiming territories! Making this land bow before your feet! Anything other than your insipid pranks and childishness! As the god of storms, I would expect a half-blood storm spirit to offer more respect for one his better![/b][/color] [color=8882be][i]Look, I get you're used to the whole, "sucking your own dick" thing, but hear me out- I've met gods before.[/i][/color] Maybe- it was hard to tell to what extent Uncle Coyote really qualified for divinity, sometimes. [color=8882be][i]And I've also met jumped-up elementals, spirits, and dead guys with an over-inflated sense of self-importance. And based on how long I've been doing this whole spirit-walker thing, I think I'm experienced enough to tell the difference.[/i][/color] Raijin sputtered at this, which translated to rumbling thunder echoing across his inner world's sky. [color=crimson][b]Worthless! Worthless child! I should simply tear myself free from you and have done with it![/b][/color] An empty threat, just like all the other times Raijin had made it. The two of them knew very well that any attempt to separate their essences would mean the death of both of them. And Raijin loved itself too much to just let his will and being dissolve back into the Light Rainbow. He smirked, knowing Raijin would feel the audacious gesture, and knowing how badly it would nettle the narcissistic spirit. [color=8882be][i]Keep telling yourself that, windbag. In the meantime, I'm gonna go find Kichi-chan.[/i][/color] Another, quieter rumble of thunder. [color=crimson][b]Your dalliance with that poor excuse for a medium troubles me, boy. Surely you can find a more fitting consort than a mercenary. Much less a male.[/b][/color] [color=8882be][i]For the last time, Raijin, I'm not flirting with Kichi-chan.[/i][/color] Or was he? Did it even matter? Probably not. [color=8882be][i]Besides, what would it matter if I was? What exactly is it with this country and your hangups about two-spirits?[/i][/color] [color=crimson][b]Name it in whatever way you will, but such behavior is unbecoming of the king I expect you to become. Feh. I tire of this nonsense- I take my leave for now, but mark my words, I will be pondering ways to punish this insubordination of yours.[/b][/color] And on that note, Raijin retreated deeper into Diego's soul, prompting the man himself to sigh in relief. Raijin was getting more impatient with their situation, which could cause problems. He didn't know what would happen to him in his current situation- he'd never been so deeply entwined with a spirit before- but a disconnect between a shaman's motives and those of the spirit he was channeling was bad for their connection. It might interfere with his ability to use Raijin's powers, leaving him with his own admittedly-less-impressive suite of abilities. At worst, it could dissolve the connection between them entirely, killing them both. And that was [i]no bueno.[/i] Regardless, there wasn't much he could do about that now. Right now, at least, his and Raijin's mutual desire to not die should, in theory, be enough to keep the two of them connected. But that was all he really had right now, was theory. As far as he knew, spirit-fusion like theirs happened about as often as Uncle Coyote gave out his teeth, or as often as Susitna woke up from her sleep. In short, not often at all. Diego glanced up from his reverie to realize he'd made it outside, somehow. Odd. He seemed pretty far away from the building, too, considering how short of a time he thought he'd been reminiscing. What street was this, anyway? [color=8882be][i]Confound my poor sense of direction,[/i][/color] he growled in his head, curious how even a half-spirit like him could get so easily lost. [color=8882be][i]Just how far did I get off track this time? Now I'll never find--[/i][/color] His thoughts stopped abruptly as he spotted the current object of his attentions attempting to scrub out an impromptu summoning circle he'd seemingly sketched onto the sidewalk. Diego smiled, unfurling his wings from the ether and levitating off the ground by a few inches. [color=8882be][i]Ha[/i] HA! [i]Take that, poor directional sense! Your attempts to foil me have only brought my evil plan to fruition! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!![/i][/color] He floated lazily over to Kichiro, who was currently smoking one of those sins against good tobacco. He resisted the urge to grimace, leaning an arm on the ectopath's head casually, as one would at a bar or similar establishment. He, of course, was still floating. [color=8882be]"Kichi-chaaaan~"[/color] he purred, ruffling the other man's hair slightly. He nodded in the direction of the symbols Kichiro had been unsuccessfully trying to scrape away. [color=8882be]"Whatcha got here? Homework?"[/color] [@cuttlefisk]