"The only thing I want to learn here is how to control whether or not it activates. Turning into material that bullets ricochet off of may save my life but I ain't going to be responsible for the death or maiming of someone else when that bullet ricochets. As for not graduating, free room and board can't argue with that. Hell I eat better here than any previous residence I lived in, at foster dad all I got was food and water, I ate better when I lived on the street, it was rat and dumpster food but I had more variety even got alcohol." The squirrel that Rose Mary saved ran up to her. She dropped an acorn, it ran away carrying the nut with what Rose Mary thought was the squirrel version of skipping or it was her imagination. "The future is not up to me. As I said I have no way to pay for even one semester of community college, so the only job I am going to get is a job a high school drop out/graduate could get. They don't pay much the best I can hope for is a retail store that lets me work and when I have enough experience become a department head, maybe a comanager. I am never going to afford a place like this, which I know used to be a home for a single extremely wealthy family. I will never be a doctor, lawyer, President. My future was decided long ago, this is only postponing things." She stopped for a second. "Just thought of something Rose Mary has no legal status. My birth name is declared dead. My choices are even more limited now to jobs willing to pay under the table, those ain't pretty jobs."