[@DeathXtheXTree][@The ghost in black][@GreenGoat][@HowlsOfWinter][@Aether Spawn][@Gowi] So I went ahead and made the OOC because why not let Howls's girl start her journey sooner? We're all going to be waiting any way until the game swings around to our characters, so why not. Those who were approved, which are the people mentioned in this damn message and whose names are written under "Approval" on the front page of this interest check...Yes, I have to be specific and explain this because there are people on this site who got issues and think they can drop a profile and automatically they're accepted. That's not how any game works. Not any game categorized as "Apply." You think it would be common sense, but I digress. Those "approved"/"accepted" and they know who they are, feel free to move your CSes over into the OOC and Howls can go ahead and get started. Howls and Gowi should start collaborating on a plot. Please read the IC to see what environment you are in, and whatever story you guys create off that, great. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/154015-fantasy-seven-seven-deadly-sins-rp/ooc]OOC[/url]