Ciel curled up and whined quietly as cold air hit him. The boy didn't seem to want to wake up, as if 300 years wasn't enough for a good night's sleep. 'Mom, Dad?' He signed before he even opened his eyes, slowly pushing himself upright and having a look around. His parents, who had promised to be right by his side when he woke up, were nowhere to be found. All he found was a crossbow next to him, the one he'd selected to take with him into whatever world he'd wake up in. The other thing he noticed when he sat up was that he urgently, desperately needed to pee. [i]Not good...[/i] He thought, carefully edging his way out of the pod and landing gingerly on his feet. He swayed and nearly tipped over, as if barely able to keep his balance. Over those three centuries, his legs had grown unused to walking. He whimpered again, taking a wobbling step forward and cautiously hobbling around the room in search of his parents. Maybe they just hadn't woken up yet. he checked pod after pod for the two individuals, but found no sign of them. He was starting to panic, his light blue eyes widened and frantic as he broke into a run, noticing an open door. what he didn't notice was the man he was about to crash into. Ciel was sent tumbling to the ground, hitting his back hard on the concrete floor. The shock caused him to leak just a little bit, gasping sharply as he sat up with a jolt as if he'd had a wire thrust up his spine. He looked up, his blue eyes carrying a glassy sheen of embarrassment. 'I'm sorry!' He signed several times, not counting on the man being able to understand. He heard more voices in the room, but couldn't really process what they were saying right at the moment. [@The Architect]