[Hider=Eve]Name: Ester Renee Vernon Nickname: Eve- honestly who would name their child Ester? it's 2055, get real. Age: 27 (or 327 right?) Appearance: [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/00/42/e7/0042e7fb3183870c22fe38ad371f3d30.jpg[/img] [Hider=Description]-Green eyes -Light blonde hair -a few tattoos from her 'hippie days' mostly flowers and other BS like that [/Hider][/center] Skills: medical technician- skilled at fixing up most injuries from scraped knees to broken bones. Heck she'd even know what medicines are best to use, even with the weirdo names they come up with now days. Background: Ester was born in 2055 to her two loving parents Juno and Andrew Vernon. She was named after both her grandmothers (Ester and Renee) who, coincidentally both died by the time she was ten. Ester had not seen them often anyway, the majority of her extended family lived in the country sides of various state. Her, she lived in Downtown Chicago. The city of the century, boy they forgot to mention the smog and the horrid air quality. Whoever came up with the "city of the century" crap aught to have called it the city of smog every day, at least then there would be some truth in the name. Before you can know Ester though, you aught to know her parents. Each was an only child. They both grew up in cities later moving to the country with their parents, before meeting each other in small town west Virginia. They fell in love instantly. Juno was a beautiful youth and aiming to be a model, Andrew was a handsome football player aiming for a spot in congress. They were two perfect jerks made for each other. They could fight for months and make up in one night. They were everyone's dream relationship. In 2055 they married due to Juno's unfortunate pregnancy and a father who was going to throw her out if she wasn't married by the time that baby came. So, there was Ester, born with the name of two mom's who would have killed someone if their only grandchild wasn't named after them. Born with a mom and a dad who could scream at each other for days. Not that they didn't love her, boy they made a show of it at least. In fact in between completely ignoring her they almost made a game out of buying her more and more expensive things. They tried to out spoil her, it was ridiculous. It worked though, she was a brat all they way up until high school. Private high school she met students just like her, bratty bimbos. She hated every one of them. Eve, as she now called herself, was absolutely finished with being like them. She took to vegan-ism and looked into all kinds of other religions seeking spiritual guidance. She trained her mind and body to be her idea of perfect, at least she wasn't a brat. This phase led her all the way up to her senior year when she decided to be a nurse, what better way to give back then to help heal people in their mortal body. When med school started she dropped the vegan crap, it was really unhealthy and impractical and just like the rest of the stupid facade it got Eve no closer to her parents. Med school was tough and though she yearned for her parents attention, she didn't really have time for it anyway. Becoming a nurse practitioner took four years of her life, okay maybe five it was a rough start, but to be fair being medicine anything is hard! She made it though. in 2076 she was a registered nurse and started on her way to being the head nurse. By the time hell broke lose she had become a very accomplished head nurse and with nothing to lose and easily making the qualification she joined the hibernation. Personality: As a child she was unbearably bratty, as a teen she was equally unbearably spiritual. Now she was just sour. Her parents never loved her and she tended to reflect that at other people. She just had no clue how to properly be what people wanted to see at all times. She usually comes off as tough and a tell it as it is kind of person. Deep inside she still misses her parents, even if they never did anything right. Blooper: Though she is a nurse and knows its a bad habit she used to smoke, and if it becomes available she will do so again. She'd do the same with booze. Additionally she has asthma from growing up in such poor air quality often leaving her heaving for air or a coughing mess. Though hypocritical she does have enough sense to snap at anyone else practicing bad habits. [/hider]