Thanks for letting me know, here's the updated CS, [@Holy Soldier] [hider=Cassius Resnick, Sloth] [center][hr][h1]Cassius Resnick ~~ Cardinal Sin of [color=fff200]Sloth[/color][/h1][hr][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][i][color=fff200]Appears to be in his Teens[/color][/i][/b][/center] [center][b][color=fff200]Written Appearance:[/color][/b][/center][hr] With a mean face and a pair of dull blue eyes, Cassius constantly has the look about him of a disinterested teenage boy. His tussled blond hair never seems to be neat or anywhere resembling groomed. He weighs 55 Kilos, and on the rare occasion of him standing straight, you’ll measure him in at 5’7, but he’s almost always slouching, leaning against a wall, or sitting on the ground. He has a pair of Holy Knight crests that he wears at all times, though he's not sure why, as they were with him after he lost his memory. He wears a loose white shirt and an old pale green jacket that is absolutely never buttoned up under any circumstances.He dresses and lives for comfort whenever he can, never wanting to put unnecessary stress on himself. Though he looks to have a scrawny build and relaxed demeanor, he’s just as strong as any of the other sins.He has the symbol of a scruffy black and white tabby cat on the nape of his neck. There’s a small tear on its left ear, and it has big yellow eyes. [hr] [center][b][color=fff200]Personality:[/color][/b][/center][hr] Though he definitely has what many would call a resting bitch face, he is one of the most relaxed and kindly people you’ll ever meet. His true flaw comes in his apathy, unless it’s in his own self-interest, he will rarely act for the benefit of those around him. Often, he’d rather steal and cheat to get what he wants than put in an honest effort. However, he will never lie or mistreat those who are close to him; once you’re in his circle, he won’t ever hurt you. He loves playing games, especially cards, and as such he always has a deck on him, with which he'll distract himself by playing solitaire when bored.Sarcasm is by far Cassius's favorite mode of communication, so he can come off as a bit of an asshole. He's quick witted and always gives off an air of mental superiority, making most people, and himself think that he's a few steps ahead of everybody, even when he isn't. He really enjoys finding himself in situations where he has to think his way out, though he's not arrogant enough to put himself in-between a rock and a hard place on purpose[hr] [center][b][i][color=fff200]The road so far:[/color][/i][/b][/center][hr] In the most fitting fashion, Cassius found himself waking up in a field, basking in the warm sunlight outside a small city. After laying there for a while, raking his empty head in an attempt to figure out what the hell happened to him, he shrugged it off and decided that it would come in time. He made his way into the city, and found his home in the slums, where he could cheat and steal and lie to get whatever he wanted, finding himself to have a natural ability in the field. He doesn’t make much, but it’s enough for rent and food. He keeps a room in a rundown tavern, it’s not the best place in the world by any means, but it’s cozy, and good enough for him.[hr] [center][b][color=fff200]Weapon:[/color][/b][/center] [hr] His ark is a pair of returning Chakrams, that have a golden inner circle, with three bars connecting in the midpoint, along with a black steel blade on the outside that can cut through almost anything. The inner rims have a set of runes inscribed upon them that can glow with a cackling energy. When thrown, electricity arks between them, shocking anybody that’s unfortunate enough to find themselves between them. When not in use, they’re mounted on his back, and magnetically connect. How did he get his arc, you wonder? So does he. Though he doesn't know it, Cassius managed to get his hands on his chakrams after a foolhardy noble child put up their parents sacred family heirloom as stakes for a bet he had no chance of winning. They're better in his hands anyway, but it's in his best interest for him to keep away from the family he cheated it from..[hr] [center][b][color=fff200]Ability:[/color][/b][/center] [hr] Cassius can fold the fabric of space time to allow for instantaneous travel to any location he can imagine in relation to his current one. In layman’s terms, he can teleport around. He can take people with him when he jumps from place to place if they’re in physical contact with him.[hr] [/hider]