[@Holy Soldier] Just finished my CS now too. [hider=Maria, Sin of Sloth] [hr][hr][centre] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/a3f5af4ebf6d93c9d5e7f9633fdc3be2/tumblr_np8yqe24gd1tdelomo1_500.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmE1NGFiMC5UV0Z5YVdFLC4w/vtks-summerland.regular.png[/img] [/centre][hr][hr][centre][sub][b][i]"[color=slategray]Wake not the sleeping lion.[/color]"[/i][/b][/sub][/centre][hr][hr] [b][color=mediumorchid]Name[/color]:[/b] [i]Maria Didacus[/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Age[/color]:[/b] [i]Appears to be in her early twenties[/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Sin[/color]:[/b] [i]Sloth[/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Height[/color]:[/b] [i]173cm → 5'8[/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Weight[/color]:[/b] [i]63kg → 134lbs[/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Hair Colour[/color]:[/b] [i]Dark Brown[/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Eye Colour[/color]:[/b] [i]Steel Blue[/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Gender[/color]:[/b] [i]Female[/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Written Appearance[/color]:[/b] [i]Although she's not as tall as the other women of the seven sins, Maria is still able to look down at a few people with her 5'8 build. She's one of the darker members of the seven sins, having an olive tone to her complexion; her thick hair is a simple dark brown, borderline black if not shined in the sunlight. Her eyes may be half open most of the time, but they appear to be a striking steel blue in full view. Her entire body seems to be visibly toned, especially her legs and arms. Maria's not too picky with her clothes – as long as she can move and not die in certain weather conditions, she isn't too bothered about how she looks. What she's always seen wearing are the metal bands on her biceps and her light grey cloak.[/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Brand Appearance[/color]:[/b] [i]On Maria's right bicep is a simplistic outline of a half opened eye. It's concealed by her arm band.[/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Personality[/color]:[/b] [i]Much like the sin she was branded with, Maria seems like a rather aloof and lazy person, and is a person who would rather nap under a clear summer sky than get into perilous conflicts (despite having a tendency to get into them with her attitude). She's always seen with this deadpan expression in most situations, and her slumped shoulders and half opened eyes don't exactly scream 'motivated; even her voice sounds very monotone and nonchalant, which has a tendency to actually bore people when she's bothered to keep up a conversation. Maria tends to speak in a very blunt and casual way, whoever it is to, though she can be quite oblivious to other people's feelings when speaking her mind; something she's prone to doing at any time. When irritated enough, Maria sends whoever is unfortunate enough to piss her off into a flurry of sarcastic and snarky comments. While she's not known to be the most lively of the seven sins, Maria is certainly bold enough to speak truthfully with a sharp tongue that isn't afraid to insult strangers. However, although she can act a bit cold towards strangers and even her closer friends at times, Maria isn't as bad as the Holy Knights claim her to be. Being all welcoming and kindhearted isn't something you see from her upon first meeting, but if you're tolerable enough then maybe she'll warm up a bit. It's even hinted that she has a soft spot (which, she tries to conceal most of the time) for the selfless and overly kind.[/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Background[/color]:[/b] [i]———[/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Current Story[/color]:[/b] [i]The first thing Maria had awoken to was the loud, bustling noises of the towns people. She saw that she had ended up in a dark, rather smelly alleyway which got her to immediately stand up upon realisation. While the thought of not being able to remember anything prior to her awakening was a bit haunting to Maria, she eventually came to the conclusion that worrying about it would only slow her down. She wandered from town to town, forest to forest, alleyway to alleyway, and has been doing so since. Somehow, she has been able to live on hunted animals from the forests and stolen food from the town markets. With barely any money to support herself, Maria continues to walk, resting and sleeping in whatever alleyway that seems clean enough.[/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Weapon[/color]:[/b] [i][b]'The Stick'[/b] is a weapon reminiscent of a Bō. It's surprisingly durable despite (supposedly) being just wood, but not as intimidating as some of the things Maria's peers carry. She often combines her ability with The Stick in combat. It was in Maria's possession when she had awoken, but her memory loss and uncreative mind resulted in her merely referring to her weapon as 'The Stick'. [/i] [b][color=mediumorchid]Ability[/color]:[/b] [i][b]Echoing Wind[/b] - With a simple command, Maria can create swirls of wind around herself for defence, or towards enemies in attack, usually using her arms or her weapon to gain better control over them. The strength and size of these whirlwinds depends on Maria's current mental state. If she's emotionally stable, so are her whirlwinds; easy to control and able to sweep opponents off their feet and blow them metres away. If she's saddened or scared, the wind becomes weak and easy to counter. If she's angered, the wind becomes uncontrollable, destructive and unstoppable. Only she has the power to control her ability, and only she has the power to refrain herself from getting riled up and destroying everything in her path.[/i][hr][hr] [/hider]