[@HaleyTheRandom] Alright, well I've done all I can at this point (headache has progressed to the point where I can't see), so I'll need to see what I have to work with once I get up... Even when I was writing that post in the role-playing discussion forum, I could barely think straight or see the screen in front of me, so I don't even really know how helpful I was... but I definitely knew what it was like to be in their shoes, dealing with people who were too full of themselves to give a "no name" a chance. Part of me wonders if I should've just tossed up my status message (since it seemed to have made several people realize that Oliver's post existed, though I've deleted it now since it was just for him to know I was replying) and gone to bed, since I might not have be helpful in my state, but meh... I don't believe in regrets. I felt I needed to make a point that even if social maturity is important in a role-playing community there are definitely plenty of long-standing members of communities who have an entitled sense of prestige. I haven't been on this site for that long, so perhaps the problem isn't as major here and Oliver was being problematic for those GMs, but I didn't like the idea of seeing someone go through what I went through before... especially since in my case the GMs were definitely being assholes and an entire site dying due to them is further proof of that. Technically, my truly enriching role-play experiences were with a close circle of people who thought on a similar wavelength to me, so I have less experience role-play with a wider variety of people, but I'm a writer before I'm a role-player; I mostly role-play as a way to improve my writing. Besides, no matter what, telling someone to dumb themselves down or hold back their writing is never acceptable in my eyes. I actually willingly pulled out of the one role-play I had registered for on this site so far (I even got my character accepted, on my first try), simply because the direction of the role-play was going to be far too shallow for my tastes... I thrive on depth and detail; without them writing serves no meaning to the poet and philosopher in me. Anyway, I'm probably rambling, so take care. I guess I'll be around in a few hours if all goes as planned. Edit: ... and now I'm hungry. Life's a bitch, isn't it?