[hider=Cylus Thael] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/gotmp/images/7/7e/Eyron_the_II.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160420224257[/img] Height - 6'3"/190.5cm Weight - 190lbs/86kg [b]Name:[/b] Cylus Thael [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Class:[/b] Sword Master [b]Special Abilities:[/b] -[i]Aggro[/i] -[i]Iron Breaker[/i] [b]Equipment:[/b] - [i]Steel Sword[/i] - [i]Steel Sword[/i] - [i]Vulnerary[/i] [b]History:[/b] Cylus was the third of four children, and the only son among his three sisters. Though it should be noted that, just because Cylus is now a master of the blade and grew up with sisters, he is not the toughest of his siblings. Cylus would actually consider himself the weakest of his immediate family. His parents are long dead, they didn’t die by any means more exciting than old age. But, his sisters are each tough in their own right and would, in Cylus’ words, wreck him in a fight. His eldest sister, Mira, leads a large contingent of the Concilium’s military. Silica, younger than Mira yet older than Cylus, teaches spell-craft in Magi Val and the youngest sibling, Alice, is a mercenary who travels lending her blade to whoever has the heaviest coin purse. None of this should point to Cylus being weak, just that he is from a family of fighters. He teaches swordmanship under his sister’s command in the Grand Army of the Concilium. For the past few years Cylus has found himself in Archanea teaching swordmanship along with other instructors of the bow, magic and other forms of combat, in the base there. [b]Personality:[/b] [/hider]