Serah let herself sink onto one of the chairs laid out for visitors in the room, eyeing the hallway until Zim was out of sight. The door closed behind him, courtesy of a soft kick from Serah. [color=00aeef]"...Well, we're alone now!"[/color] Serah giggled, turnign her head to look back to Sigma and putting on a smile. [color=00aeef]"So, I'm glad to see [i]you're[/i] doing well. I uh... was a little worried. I mean, I'd be the only underage girl in the squad left if something happened to you!"[/color] The girl's cheery attitude seemed to return to her in the blink of an eye, replacing the rather sullen and grim one she had before. "Mmmh" Sigma droned as a reply, continuing her search for clothes. Her little pale hands deftly, and methodically acquired the desired pieces of clothing. Without skipping a beat, she then began to change in front of both girls, whom she only acknowledged with a side glance. Her petite, but toned body, full of scars was in full view as she undressed her hospital gown and began to change into more suitable clothes. The blue-haired girl didn't even so much as flinch when Sigma undressed, having seen the other girl change before in the public changing rooms and seen her naked in the shower. It's hardly news to her. "Pilot Gene. If you had survived that meant that I had survived. We both were hardly...apart." Sigma's words were cold, and harsh, even if they were said in a childlike voice. It seemed that her personality had..."reset" to some kind of absurd default, as unlikely as it would be. Serah did flinch at that, however. [color=00aeef]"A-Ah... I guess you're right, huh?"[/color] It's not like Serah didn't know that, but she didn't really know what else to say to Sigma right now. What they both experienced inside of Eiswolf was... pretty incredible. They'd become one, almost. [color=00aeef]"So... what's your take?"[/color] Serah sat pretty straight in her chair, arms and legs crossed. Her smile faded for a more neutral and questioning look, tracing Sigma with her eyes. She'd almost forgotten Iota was in the room alongside the two, even though she would stand out because of her looking identical to Sigma. "My take..." Sigma mumbled as she eyed her hand and sleeve. "I...don't know. Probably..." Her eyes finally rested on Serah, oddly unfocused, as if looking far away. "It's kinda fun!" She said, cheering. Iota, whom had done nothing to make herself noticeable, shifted nervously, seeing how truly off key Sigma's smile was right now. Iota's hand zipped towards the remote, intent on calling the nurse. As one of the dolls who had been made by the same template as Sigma, she knew exactly this was anything but good. " the spare parts disagree, that's too bad. Everything is wrong, it's so laughable. We will all soon be pasture for the maggots." She hung limp, as her shoulders slumped. "Elora... is gone. Because of an elite cruxi we didn't know. Elora, whom was the first person to call me a human... is taken... like a doll... while I'm left behind. And the spare parts aswell..." She began to giggle, initially in a low, rather contained tone, finally bursting into laughter. Iota's eyes seemed to bulge out of her orbits, unable to press the dreaded nurse button. "AND THE BEST THING IS, WE KILL A SUPERWEAPON, BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER AT ALL, BECAUSE , HAHA, THEY HAVE MORE!" The fourteen year old yelled, inbetween laughter, as she shook her head into disbelief. Tears. Tears were flowing from her eyes as she finally slumped..."It's so must be a cruel joke..." Sigma eyed her own tears, now falling in her hands. Hands that turned into fists. "No... this is real." She braced herself, as if trying to steel herself in the moment of weakness that had fallen upon her. "We're going to fight. As if nothing can happen. Whenever they take something, we will fight even harder. If only because they deserved to be hated that much." The young pilot's keen gaze was back, and it now rested on Iota. Ignoring Serah for the moment, she took heavy strides, until the dumbstruck Iota could do nothing but stare agape. "I'm sorry Iota. You're not spare parts." Her arms were open wide, as if to hug her. And hug her she did. "You're just a fool... like we are." Sigma clenched the other clone's torso hand, as her fist balled up once more, poised to strike. "Now, accept your punishment. You really did bad there." Serah watched Sigma embrace Iota, a small smile creeping up on her face to see the sisters making up. That smile wasn't meant to last, it seemed, as Serah also took notice of the hand that was balling up into a fist. She took a second to think about it, clarity hitting her when Sigma mentioned punishment. [color=00aeef]"Sigma, no!"[/color] Serah shouted, followed by jumping out of her chair... but it was too late. The fist was already flying. A wet, ominous sound impacted Sigma's cheek. She reeled in pain backwards, just as Iota did. Somehow, both clones had decided to cross counter eachother in a single blow. "You...are one to talk Siggy piggy." Iota finally spat, after getting her bearings. "YOU ARE NOT IRINA. YOU ARE NOT THE HEROINE OF YOUR OWN TRAGEDY. SO WHAT IF I FUCKED UP!?" Iota's subsummed temper finally flared up. Sigma's eyes went from her fist to her bruised face, trembling with rage. "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU, IOTATARD!" She yelled as her fury was rekindled, at the same time as her sister. Serah flinched as both clones hit each other, quickly taking note of the situation. Both of them were barely out of arm's reach of each other, but they didn't look like either of them were going to yield quite that quickly. [color=00aeef]"I said [i]NO[/i]!"[/color] Serah yelled again, running up and locking her arms underneath Sigma's shoulders. She gave a quick pull and turned 180° with the girl, shoving her towards the other end of the room. Serah was now in between the two girls and wasn't going to allow them to continue fighting. [color=00aeef]"Both of you need to [i]calm down[/i]! Fighting isn't going to help us at all and it's nobody's fault Elora is gone! Not Iota's, not anyone else!"[/color] Then, the door to the room opened with a click as a very familiar face walked into it.