[center][color=gray][h2][i]Haley Marie Asher[/i][/h2][/color][/center][hr][hr] It was finally October. That meant fall. It also meant time for the holiday season, as well as the changing of the leaves and possibly one of the girls favorite things - hoodies. Some would tell you that there favorite month was December, due to Christmas or some other thing, but for Haley, it was October. It wasn’t so cold that you had to dress in multiple layers, but just cool enough to wear your favorite jacket without being looked at like a weirdo. S The brown haired girl was currently walking through through the main grounds of Camp Half Blood. Campers could be seen playing on the volleyball court, others coming to and from the Big House - perhaps she would have noticed them herself if she bothered to look up from her book. Earbuds in, book open in hand, the girl would go to turn to the next page, all of the sudden bumping into something. Looking up, a startled expression on her face, she would realize that it wasn’t something, so much as someone. Someone that looked oddly familiar.