[center][h1]✵ There is still magic among the Stars ✵[/h1][/center] [center][h2]History[/h2][/center] [quote=Third Law of Clarke]Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.[/quote] [quote=A corollary]Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.[/quote] We always seem to think that a fantasy setting develops in the medieval times or an alternate reality with many parallelisms with it. This isn’t the case with this story... Our story starts in the XIX century, the scramble for Africa is starting and two bitter rivals find themselves with a motive to raise arms. Who shot who and who fired first? It doesn’t matter, for history will wash away the facts and replace them with the version hoisted by the winner. From the future, we spy the developments of the past and we finally have seemed to learn to question ourselves. In retrospective, almost the entire history of humanity relies of a house of cards made of small events. What you ate today? Did you go to work? What ideas you explained to the people you talked with? All of those minuscule and seemingly insignificant actions bring forth changes which might be the cause of great facts later on. A small town lies in the banks of the White Nile, its name was Fashoda. It was the spark that almost ignited a war and the reason the project of the Entente Cordiale fell apart. The Empire of the French Republic and the British Empire would not make it a crucible for their steel-forged alliance. In other reality it might have become the first step towards something greater constructed between those two countries; in this world, it was not the case. France soon lost T’chad, granting the British a connection between the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and the colony of Nigeria. France again almost went to war for Morocco when the British joined their voice to the German Empire’s in support of the Spanish claims to the detriment of them. When war came in 1910 France and Russia stood facing against Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. Germany, cautious about the British observing from over the shoulder of the combatants decided to wait for the French offensives in the west while trying to slow down the Russian human waves that took Königsberg and heavily threatened to completely surround Lemberg, capital of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, Cisleithania, Austria-Hungary. Great Britain, as all the Great Powers of the time, believed in a short and decisive war fought between honourable gentlemen. Once more, it was not the case. They decided to support the Central Powers to stabilize the situation and maintain the balance of power. It wasn’t necessary and indeed it was excessive as the war was over by 1913, just three years after it had started. Three years of unseen carnage and human loss. The Russian Empire lay in ruins, destroyed from the outside by the Central Power’s armies marching over the Baltic Republics, White Ruthenia, Ukraine and the Caucasus, rotten from the inside by revolutions, nationalism and a feudal economy. France’s countryside west of and around Paris was a morass of mud and shrapnel from both sides’ shells. Italy jumped in and opened another front. The Franco-Russian Entente was no more. In the occupied France of the 20’s there were numerous resistance cells and extremism expanded among the populace as a furious but surreptitious conflagration. Most of these cells didn’t amount to anything but to the combined rage and discontent of the nation. This wasn’t the case for one cell, very unorthodox in its methods. Magic was discovered and used again; this is the great legacy of the Great War. All men die, all institutions fall at one point or another, even when they are bound to rise again soon. The victorious powers of the war eventually also fell too from their ivory pedestals. Welcome to the year 2342, a time when magic intermixed with technology in an almost salacious dance of energy and mater. This isn’t the world that you remember nor how the world you imagine will be like. [center][h2]The World in the year 2342[/h2][/center] Welcome to the Solar System, a place inhabited by mankind and the sentient or semi-sentient creations of it, from stations orbiting directly the Sun in vulcanoid orbits to trans-Neptunian space stations. Even with all of this expansion, Earth is the core of the human presence in the Solar System; although it must be remembered that most of the greater space stations and colonies are completely self-sufficient. Another point to consider is that the blue planet isn’t so unique anymore as Venus and Mars now share its radiant colours thanks to terraforming. Earth is unique now in another aspect though, a system of eight space elevators form the spokes of a great wheel, an orbital ring created from concentric nanotubes. This, the greatest wonder of human ingenuity and engineering, is the main power source of the ever-growing population of Earth and an easy method to elevate materials into orbit. Perhaps even more impressive is the fact that humankind has found new ways to manipulate and even [i]create[/i] energy, a feat once thought impossible, allowing many incredible wonders of technology to arise. Among them is the ability to move in between the planets and stations with spaceships in the matter of days or weeks. Trouble still rears its ugly head on the horizon as colonies are considered subservient to Earth, both in culture and government, while in practice most are completely capable of being independent. They have their own systems of subsistence, their own basic services, their own cultures, but many times they lack their own governments or those are powerless against corporations... Why would a Terran understand the daily struggles of an asteroid miner displaced by robotization, and, worse, why would a Terran seek to? Systems as absurd and pointless as the Orbital Nobility were put into place over many of the smaller stations and asteroid clusters and belts. Many groups are in what they believe a quest for liberation through various means, some more violent than others, much more... But this isn’t only theoretical, no, for there are groups who are prepared to unleash up to Von Neumann weapons upon saints and sinners. Even more primitive weapons are able to cause major destruction upon unsuspecting populaces, such as orbital launchers, rods-of-God, nuclear devices from both inside and outside the atmosphere, radiation launchers, e.m.p.’s and the ever dreaded anti-uranium combined nuclear-antimatter bombs. Many of which can be accessed and used remotely through informatics, after all, hackers and digital mercenaries are abundant. Wars and speeches are in the air, flags are hoisted, and a in the shadows lurk and prowl dark creatures, black shimmering against black in the dead of the eternal night moves. Not everything is what is seems. As posthumanism promises to liberate many from the clutches of only flesh it is time to ask ourselves the question, what is to be human? Is it to be conscious of the self and free? Maybe, but then what happens to so many which in practice truly are not? [center][h2]What can you expect?[/h2][/center] [h3]In terms of the setting in general:[/h3] [list][*][b]The most important is that you think about this setting as semi-hard sci-fi with some magic mixed in. No ladies in bikini waiting in Venus together with dinosaurs nor having to use multistage launchers every time from an established launch platform of which there are one or two per great power to reach space.[/b] [*][b]Alternate history:[/b] As you can see in the history, this isn’t your typical future scenario. Colonialism lived a whole lot longer. [*][b]Melee combat:[/b] Swords came back with magic, but don’t let that ever make you forget that a bullet to the head will most likely kill you. [*][b]Snippets of the past:[/b] There will be small fragments of the progression of history now and then between my updates. If you feel like you need more context for a character that isn’t given, just ask. [*][b]A different society:[/b] Continuing from the point above, technology changed more than your car into a spaceship. It changed more than your body into an image of beauty. It changed society and many social norms, they are looser this time. Things such as murder are still crimes of course, but what about a multiple marriage? Does it matter if you marry someone of your same gender when gender can be changed as you change a car? [*][b]A complex system for magic:[/b] It doesn’t use numbers or dices, mostly being a concept thing, but pay attention to it.[/list] [h3]In terms of technology:[/h3] [list][*][b]Rampant Transhumanism:[/b] Do you want a different eye colour? Are you discontent with your gender? Wings perhaps? Humanity’s oldest fantasy. How about simply being able to walk again for the unfortunate ones? You have it. [*][b]Some posthumanism[/b]: Think about the large distance involved in a travel between two planets, shouldn’t it be better just to travel at the speed of light and be downloaded into a new body should you have the money? [*][b]Neurally-controlled Mechs[/b]: Yes, some Mech combat can be expected from this setting, although my focus won’t be it and I shall treat them as another asset of war. They aren’t invincible; think about them as you would about a tank, an APC or a stealth bomber. [*][b]Awesome Weapons[/b]: Yes, there will be laser swords, just that in this case they are formed by superconductor cable in the centre surrounded by plasma. Yes, there will also be chainswords and hyper-sharp katanas, thank carbon nanotubes for them. [/list] [h3]In terms of magic:[/h3] The magic on the setting spins around two main principles: the equivalence of exchange and the Elemental Wheel. The equivalence of exchange is, as its name states, the rule that for everything asked, created, destroyed or changed with magic there is an equal and, in the case of creation or destruction, and opposite reaction and need to be fulfilled by the universe which the executor has to provide. The second principle is the Elemental Wheel, which must be respected in its entirety. The Wheel is a method of organizing the elements, their nature and the relations between them. The elements can be put in any order in the Wheel, but there is a traditional order which makes it easier for the magician to operate in and makes the relations between the elements easier to understand, memorize and therefore apply. The first thing about the Elemental Wheel that is noted is its shape, more akin to a spherical compass, that is necessary because the relations between the elements need to be represented in more than three dimensions. With current understanding of physics and chemistry is possible to dismantle the Wheel and find many mistakes on it. In the RP, it is an unsolved mystery of the universe why it still works. [hider=The elements on the Wheel and their secondary natures] [u][b]Water:[/b][/u] Self-explanatory. In its most advanced state it allows to either create or extract water from any matter that possess it, or even more advanced, any that possess hydrogen and oxygen in enough quantities. It also represents entropy and the ever changing nature of it. It is on the first level of human affinities. Part of the First Holy Quartet. [u][b]Fire:[/b][/u] Self-explanatory. In its most advanced state it allows to circumvent the laws of chemistry and combust elements that can’t be by normal means or to keep them aflame under any circumstance. Beyond that is the ability to control plasma which coordinates very well with lightning. It also represents entropy and the change itself in entropy, it represents catabolic reactions. It is on the first level of human affinities. Part of the First Holy Quartet. [u][b]Air:[/b][/u] Self-explanatory. In its most advanced state it allows to create vacuum and pressure forcefields. It can work too to create or stop sounds, working really well with illusions. It also represents entropy and the chaotic nature of it. It is on the first level of human affinities. Part of the First Holy Quartet. [u][b]Earth:[/b][/u] Self-explanatory. In its most advanced state it allows to purify elements and separate the components of any material, for example, turn an alloy back into its components. The reverse is also true. In a more raw fashion, it can cause great quakes and impressive acts of geomancy to the scale of entire mountain chains. It also represents stability and the particular nature, the core, the definition, of matter and/or energy. It is on the first level of human affinities. Part of the First Holy Quartet. [u][b]Ice:[/b][/u] Self-explanatory. It its most advanced state can be used to super-cool elements near the absolute limit, 0°K, deeply altering the properties of the elements involved and through the difference of dilatation and contraction can be used to cut almost flawlessly, an ability shared with fire. Control of both of these elements allows the direct transference of energy between objects, read temperature. It also represents reversibility and opposes entropy. It is on the second level of human affinities. [u][b]Lower nature:[/b][/u] In its most advanced state allows the control of non-sentient living beings. Beyond that it can be used to transfer “life and/or decay” between organisms, such as healing. Often represented by wood or plant-life, it also represents the concept of emergency in science and anabolic reactions. It is on the second level of human affinities. [u][b]Lightning:[/b][/u] In its most advanced state it allows the capacity influence the human nervous system and control the climate, most effectively used when combined with water and air. Beyond that, if combined with fire, it allows a more controlled manipulation of plasma that any of the two elements can generate and control on their own. When combined with magnetism in a proper manner it can exponentially increase its effectiveness but with the side effect of also exponentially increasing the risks. It also represents speed and the regulation of it during chemical reactions. It is deeply associated with magnetism and together they represent direct bonds. It aligns with the electromagnetic force (part of the Pentagram of Mysterious Forces). It is on the second level of human affinities. [u][b]Magnetism:[/b][/u] In its most advanced state it can be used to control complex machinery and treat even naturally non-magnetic substances as an extension of oneself. Beyond that there is the capacity to create and control particle beams. It also represents bonds and acid-base nature. It is deeply associated with lightning and together they represent direct bonds. It aligns with the electromagnetic force (part of the Pentagram of Mysterious Forces). It is on the second level of human affinities. [u][b]Gravity:[/b][/u] In its most advanced state it can be used for controlling weight in great amounts and completely influence vectors of any kind of dynamic force, for example crushing an object or disseminating it in the wind. It also represents indirect bonding and cause and effect. It aligns with the gravitational force (part of the Pentagram of Mysterious Forces). [u][b]Light:[/b][/u] In its most advanced state it can be used to heal and create and control powerful lasers. Apart from its obvious uses it allows to cast illusions, the most basic being sensory overload. It needs darkness to create deeper, more realistic illusions. It also represents energy, creation, endergonic reactions and catalysts. It is intimately entwined with darkness. Part of the Second Holy Quartet. [u][b]Darkness:[/b][/u] In its most advanced state it allows the user the power over venoms of body, mind and soul. Apart from its obvious uses it allows to cast illusions, the most basic being sensory deprivation. It needs light to create deeper, more realistic illusions. It also represents energy requirements, destruction, exergonic reactions and deceleration. It is intimately entwined with light. Part of the Second Holy Quartet. [u][b]Mind:[/b][/u] In its most advanced level it allows to completely control the mind of an individual, read its thoughts and put and take ideas out of it. It can be used to telepathically communicate and can completely destroy a mind. It also represents exponential growth and decreasing, and, most of all, emergency. It represents the relationship between the elements. It tends to represent the rational side of the human being. Part of the Second Holy Quartet. [u][b]Soul:[/b][/u] In its most advanced level it allows for the control of the emotions of an individual, understanding beings with alien morality and receive visions of possible futures. It also represents oscillation, the very nature of things and immutability. It opposes entropy. It tends to represent the emotional side of the human being. Part of the Second Holy Quartet. [u][b]Upper nature:[/b][/u] In its most advanced level it allows the control of sentient creatures and feeling through them. Often represented with metal, it also represents probability, the relationships between the elements and opposes entropy. [u][b]Altered States of Matter:[/b][/u] It isn’t a well understood concept or even a well-defined one for starters. In its most advanced level grants the possibility to control matter as an extension of oneself. It also tends to represent deduction and the power of rational thought. It is related to memory and imagination. It aligns with the strong nuclear interaction (part of the Pentagram of Mysterious Forces). [u][b]Altered States of Energy:[/b][/u] It isn’t a well understood concept or even a well-defined one for starters. In its most advanced state it allows to treat matter as it was a living thing and as it, learn the history of an object with only touching it. It also tends to represent imagination and the power of the mind on the physical world. It aligns with the weak nuclear interaction (part of the Pentagram of Mysterious Forces). [/hider] The first level of human affinities refers to the elements that have a tendency to be associated with humankind as a whole and are therefore easier to manipulate. The second order of human affinities are those either believed to be derived from them or that are the next level in difficulty for executioners. There are other classifications of the Sixteen Elements, for example, a few of the main ones are: The Quartet of diametric mind and matter: Mind, Soul, Altered States of Matter, Altered States of Energy. First Derived Elements or Second Corporeal Elements: Ice, Lightning, Magnetism, Lower Nature, Upper Nature. Their name and classification comes from the fact that these elements are the ones which are believed to be directly derived from the First Holy Quartet and should therefore offer more affinity for executioners. Second Derived Elements or First Incorporeal Elements: Light, Darkness. Empyreal Elements: Altered States of Matter, Altered States of Energy. In order to use these powers there are three main classifications and four derived of them of possible equivalent exchanges: [hider=Exchanges] [u][b]Exchange of First Order:[/b][/u] These are the exchanges that consist of giving back an equal and sometimes opposite of the same element. [u][b]Exchange of Second Order:[/b][/u] These are the exchanges that consist of giving back an equal and sometimes opposite of another element. Note that sacrifices that aren’t directly related to the executioner are also present in this category. [u][b]Exchange of Third Order:[/b][/u] These are the exchanges that consist of giving back an equal amount of the power (or even physical integrity) of the executioner. There are also the exchanges when some or all of these types of exchanges are mixed: [u][b]Exchange of Fourth Order:[/b][/u] These are the exchanges that consist of an Exchange of First Order combined with an Exchange of Second Order. [u][b]Exchange of Fifth Order:[/b][/u] These are the exchanges that consist of an Exchange of Second Order combined with an Exchange of Third Order. [u][b]Exchange of Sixth Order:[/b][/u] These are the exchanges that consist of an Exchange of First Order combined with an Exchange of Third order. [u][b]Exchange of Seventh Order:[/b][/u] These are the exchanges that combine the three main exchanges. [/hider] As it can be seen, it is corrected according to modern understanding of physics and chemistry regarding the secondary natures. During the story several different cultures, schools of thought and individuals have their own interpretations and give their own name to the concepts stated. [h3]Character Sheet[/h3] [hider=CS] [u][b]Name: [/b][/u] [u][b]Nicknames: [/b][/u] [u][b]Species: [/b][/u] Human or synthetic? [u][b]Gender: [/b][/u] [u][b]Age: [/b][/u] [u][b]Appearance: [/b][/u] [u][b]Place of birth: [/b][/u] City, region and state ideally. It can unknown. [u][b]History: [/b][/u] Apart from the obvious personal history, motivations and driving forces behind the actions must be written as I prefer that the personality is shown and not told. Therefore, the more detailed the better. [u][b]Personality: [/b][/u] A general overview. It can be written as a description or by points divided by proficiencies/virtues and limitations/defects. [u][b]Main relationships: [/b][/u] By points, name and relationship. You can go deeper but most likely it will be unnecessary if you wrote a satisfactory history. [u][b]Occupation: [/b][/u] What does your character do for living and what has he/she done before (if not stated in the history). By points, from most recent to oldest. [u][b]Skills and abilities: [/b][/u] [u][b]Magical predisposition: [/b][/u] How much does your character tends to have innate abilities towards magic? How much does he/she/it favour those abilities? Everyone but the none-sensitive (very rare) can become arch-mages of renown, it depends on the discipline and effort they put into it. The predisposition is, in simple words, the natural talent towards magic. It can be used or not. [u][b]Elements and specialization (if applicable): [/b][/u] What elements does your character wield with more easiness? Is he/she/it specialized on them, in some others that your character isn’t so naturally good on? [u][b]Inventory and equipment: [/b][/u] [u][b]Money: [/b][/u] [u][b]Other important information: [/b][/u][/hider]