[color=Deepskyblue][h1][center]Aiden Cross[/center][/h1][/color] Aiden felt a chill cut through his spine as Kotori mentioned Cardiff. The smell of ozone and burning ash filling his nose, the feel of it in his lungs, a desolate landscape as far as the eye could see. What was once a city, bustling with people, more than he could count, had been turned into nothing but a charged crater. He had caused this. He had reached the final level of power, and he was all alone on the mountain top, drenched in the blood of hundreds of thousands. Following his fellow Lv 10, he couldn't help but notice how immaculate she was. Not in appearance, but in how she presented her self, how she behaved, how she treated others. You'd never know just by meeting her that she could kill with but a glance, so little had she been exposed to. A Natural and a Prodigy, he hadn't been lying when he said that she still seemed like a human being. He just wasn't sure if he was jealous of that quality or not. Any more thought was interrupted by her voice, mentioning her being sorry about what she was about to do. [color=Deepskyblue]"Huh, what was that Miss Namashi-waaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!![/color] To Aiden's silent shame, when he suddenly found himself floating off the ground without much warning, he did flail around a bit(even though it was something he was used to doing with his own ability). Before he could stabilize himself, however, he'd suddeny be flung skyward as Kotori fly through the shaft like a rocket. This lead to the completely instinctual and not at all pretend reaction of him grabbing on to the Telekinetic as of his life dependent on it, though to his credit, he did stop screaming after a few seconds. Before long, and after some rather interesting use of power, they would be lowered down in front of a very miffed looking Claire. As Kotori touched down, Aiden would immediately fall to the ground, feeling more than a little queasy as he struggled to catch his wits. [color=Deepskyblue]"I think my heart is where my stomach is right now, so coffee likely wouldn't be good right now for me either. Maybe some other time."[/color] Falling back against the ground, Aiden would now spend his time catching his breath and making sure that all of his organs were in their right places. [color=Deepskyblue]"I never have to do that again."[/color] [color=Deepskyblue][i]Oh hell, I need to find a way to do that without killing myself. Maybe that ability-enhancing suit the IG department waslooking into would be a good idea to steal.[/i][/color] [hr] [color=Orchid]"Not to be rude, Miss Namashiya, but the perpetrator seems to have already made himself known."[/color] Claire said with some irritability, glaring daggers at Aiden for a moment before pointing Kotori's attention to the black bar above the screen, playing The Hand's message once more above the debauched scene above. [color=Orchid]"You'd think a man with that much power would have better things to do then play practical jokes, especially ones that are in such bad taste.[/color] A buzzing on her phone had Claire take a quick look, her eyes looking over the new message before typing a quick reply and pocketing it again. Helping her boss to his feet, regardless of his complaining, and basically shoved him into the limousine, giving Kotori a polite bow as she moved to get into the driver's seat. [color=Orchid]"If you'll excuse us, Miss Namashiya, I'll be taking Mr. Cross home now. It's best he isn't around when the press get here, it'll be a Pr nightmare if he somehow gets caught up in all of this. So if there is nothing more you wish to inquire about . . .?[/color] [hr] Above Rutherford square, a [url=http://orig09.deviantart.net/394a/f/2015/103/e/1/diabolic_esper_by_lulucian-d8pn5vw.png]young man[/url] would look over the area from the top of a nearby building through a pair of high-tech binoculars, rolling a lolipop between his teeth. [i]Ghost, you in position?[/i] [color=darkorchid]"Yeah though I don't get why I have to be here now. The think said to wait until the following morning, yeah?"[/color] The young man would say to what appeared to be no one, laying down with his feet hanging of the edge, a yawn escaping the confines of his throat as boredom started to set in. [i]Exactly, and since the boss will probably want to attend to this meeting personally, your job is o be back-up as well as keeping an eye out for anything weird going on. You've done it before, you do it every time, so stop bicthin' already.[/i] [color=Darkorchid]*tch*"I'll bitch if I want. This job is boring as hell."[/color] Ghost would mutter angrily before going back to watching the area. While they had accepted the job, the boss would be he most likely one to handle the transaction so that, if the terms weren't to his satisfaction, he could tell them where they could stuff it and be off. That being said, he was curious as to what the COG would want so badly that they'd be willing to pay or the Hand of God to handle it. They weren't cheap, even by the standards of the COG's anonymous backers, so what could the job possibly be. [@Feisty-Pants] [@Grey]