[h2][center]Kikunojo Kichiro[/center][/h2] Kichiro felt a stir among the minor spirits. All around him the energies shifted and swirled away like leaves. They didn’t scatter, really. It would be more accurate to say they shifted aside in deference, making a path for one they viewed to be not only like themselves, but a superior. Shortly after, Kichiro felt it too: A pair of distinct auras that washed past his third eye in a flash of begrudgingly harmonious elements. One that was light, caring, passionate… if perhaps more than a little mischievous. This first felt divided further still, one foot on either side of the bleary line that separated the physical world from the spiritual. The second major energy was a complex one. It was huge, grand, enormously powerful, and certainly knew it. There was arrogance and regality in equal measure. This was all tempered by a small but clear spark gruff compassion for its host. It was about then that an arm thunked down on his head and ruffled his already unruly hair. [i]Diego.[/i] A complicated being sure, but not so to Kichiro. He rested firmly on the short list of people Kichiro could consider friends, which translated better as ‘people he didn’t completely weird out’. He took a few steps forward, then turned to look up at the winged young man. His mouth quirked in a small smile. It looked a little strange on him, as though he couldn’t quite perform the action unless it was cynical or rueful. “[color=3232df]Diego. Hey, man.[/color]” He said, then quirked an eyebrow. “[color=3232df]Raijin. You still massive tool?[/color]” He knew the self stylized god didn’t like him. If he focused, he could reach out and hear the greater spirit’s words, but he didn’t bother. He wasn’t really in the mood to listen to his grandiose rantings. He looked down at his chalk scrawlings and chuckled. “[color=3232df]Eh, it was just a dumb trick. Some goofball startled me in the cafeteria at your dumbass HQ. I, uh… Also may have blown the lights out. Maybe some robot chick’s face too. I dunno, I saw her little eye-light things go out. I didn’t stick around for the finger pointing, so to speak[/color].” He paused and took a long drag from his cigarette. Blew out two trails of smoke from his nostrils before continuing. “[color=3232df]Anyway, I called up a sprite to go hex him. Not the most noble use of my time, but hey, I’m not a noble guy.[/color]” Kichiro glanced at his watch. Damn, was it really past noon already? A little nugget of pain started to pulse away behind his eyes. It was getting to be about time for a drink. “[color=3232df]Which way are the puppet masters pulling your strings today, eh? Do they know you’re hanging around a shiftless ne’er-do-well instead of working?[/color]” [@EnterTheHero]