[hider=Ferrum, God of the Forge] Name: Ferrum Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Ferrum] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/dd/62/d6/dd62d6b4528f6fb9a2349e680b834c94.jpg[/img] [/hider] (Ignore the mechanical arm on his back though) Ferrum stands at the full 14’ height. His arms are the color of silver, with which he crafts the metals within the Forge. Personality: Where once Ferrum’s temper was as easy to ignite as a fire was to consume dry grass, his commitment to the Forge had moulded his temper with patience, allowing him to work to perfecting his creation with little effort or frustration. And while some are able to break the wall of iron-will he has cast upon himself, he never allows it to come out in large amounts. The disaster of the rebellion has changed him from seeking to improve his creations of war and death, instead, following the punishment meted out against him for his part in the forty years of battle has reinforced his desire to create things once more, his once fiery temper now embers within his heart. Major Domain: The Forge Minor Domain(s): Fire, Metal Your Avatar: [hider=Vatra] [img]http://cdn.wallpapersafari.com/74/80/WbSjVz.jpg[/img] [/hider] Called Vatra, standing at 261 feet, and around 400 feet from wingtip to wingtip, Vatra burns near constantly, the flames only hurting those not being honest of their intent and deeds. Vatra is rarely away from Ferrum, and often aids him around his own forge, keeping the fires burning endlessly to provide just the right temperature to create wonders of peace, of weapons of war. Stance: Ferrum honestly cares little for who sits on the throne as King anymore, and simply wishes to tend to his people and his forge. Because of this stance, he will provide weapons to those he feels are worth the effort, regardless of their views on the current political situation. Loyalty During Rebellion: Ferrum unexpectedly sided with Kovar the War during the rebellion, won over by the praise given for his work on Kovar's God Bane. It was not unexpected that the two were friends of sorts, for Wars always needed weapons to fight them, the two domains overlapping and a kind of symbiotic relationship kept the two on more even terms than Ferrum ever felt towards their father. Center of Power: Ferrum’s center of power is an simple iron ingot, one of the first he made with the Forge in his youth, it is always moved throughout the Forge, but regardless of where he puts it, or even if he places it in the largest pile of exact ingots, he knows where it is for the power of the Forge is within that unadorned ingot, the sigil of the Forge stamped into the bottom of it, as with any other ingot. Relations: Ki’ivara: Becoming something of a friend to the Goddess of Lust, Ferrum gifted her a palace unlike anything he had constructed in the past as an apology for deeds created in the midst of the rebellion, keeping the details and secrets of it between himself and the Goddess of Lust herself. Aesis: Ferrum considers Aesis the closest thing to a brother he can with his sibling gods, finding a similar heart in the fury of the ocean’s master. The pair challenged one another to forge a weapon, and the greater shall be the victor. This challenge lasted a full week in length, with Ferrum’s creation of the Riptide trident, and Aesis’ forging of the God-Smiter. Ahru: Ferrum finds Ahru’s constant meddling an enjoyable way to change the more methodical aspects of his life and work, although there are times when her antics draw his ire, and he knows she actively tries to pull this moments from him.. Di’Myria: During the rebellion, Ferrum had several engagements with Di’Myria, which leveled the lands of their battles, but neither could get that decisive victory over the other. With the rebellion dragging out, War redirected Ferrum to another front, leaving Di’Myria to the Murder God, Loshtar. At the rebellions end, and seeing just what he had allowed his fiery temper to blind him to, Ferrum apologised to the Time Goddess, and now the two regularly meet to discuss various things, with Ferrum learning patience most of all from their meetings. Kilgarrah: Ferrum and Kilgarrah fought hard during the rebellion, with a somewhat pyrrhic victory landing in Ferrum’s hands after the destruction of one of Ferrum’s many vaults dotted throughout the mountains of Corantha, this battle saw to the breaking of Wyrm Tooth, and the entrapment of Kilgarrah towards the end of the rebellion. Ferrum has held onto the broken remains of Wyrm Tooth, wondering if the weapon would help fix the hatred born from the rebellion. Powers: Temperature Control, Metal. While not capable of creating fire out of thin air, Ferrum can bring the temperature around him up to intense level, and also back down to near freezing levels, he uses this to aid in his forging, while crafting things with his hands has given him a deep affinity for whenever a metal touches his skin, capable of bending it to his will the longer he has touched it. With this affinity his skin naturally hardens against strikes, making him extremely durable, especially with weapons he created. Godly Equipment: Fate’s Anvil: The primary anvil in which Ferrum forges the God Banes, combined with the Destined Hammer it allows Ferrum to transfer the power of the God in question into their weapon or item of choice. Destined Hammer: The Hammer is the key part to forging God Banes and their items. The Hammer must be held by the God in question to allow a transfer of power into their item, before Ferrum physically beats the item with the God’s power. This is not a long process, the Hammer required to be carried for maybe a full day before Ferrum retrieves it for his Forge. God-Smiter: This immense Warhammer is Ferrum’s God-Bane, favouring the power of destruction it holds of the speed of smaller and more elegant weapons, it captures Ferrum’s strength easily, each blow capable of cracking open mountains. This is a God Bane. Demi Gods: [hider=Krixis] Krixis was born to one of the few mortals to actually enter the Forge itself, his mother a lady of royalty and eager enough to bed the God of the Forge. Krixis rose to station as his affinity of metal became clear, moulding it in many ways and showing an ever increasing need to know more about how to craft and mould ever more complex patterns. He came to his father simply to learn of metalcraft, but after seeing the truth of the Forge, has stayed with his father, crafting his own smaller forge next to the Forge itself. His proudest creation were his Forgekin, at the moment they are lifeless suits of armor in marshalled ranks across his domain of his father’s mountain fortress. [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ageofsigmar/images/4/48/Sigmar_recibe_Ghal_Maraz_sigmaroteca.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150928100754&path-prefix=es[/img] [/hider] [hider=Siani] Siani was the second child born to Ferrum, the mother an acolyte of his temple and during one of his few times walking with his people, Ferrum found himself attracted to this woman, while not exactly love, he felt deeply for her, and mourned her loss some years after the birth of Siani. Siani is the more unpredictable of his children, living to her affinity of fire, she can manifest flames from the thin air, and often her tempar is shown by this ability, she bears no weapon other than those she makes from her own flames. It was Siani who went to war with Ferrum during the rebellion, leaving Krixis to protect and govern the people of Corantha. [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/CvPZ9MmVnlk/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name of Land: Corantha Lands: The lands of Corantha are mostly mountains with forests surrounding the outer edges, and great rivers of fresh water pour down the mountains in large numbers. The lands teem with game and predators, few of which approach the larger mountains. People: Corantha is mostly filled with settlements of Dwarfs, with the odd human settlement nestled somewhere in the forests along the main routes into and out of Corantha. Culture: Corantha’s culture is one that is not its own, for their God does not impose his will on them, and instead teaches them the art of forge-work and metalcraft, allowing them to grow as they wish. This in turn has led many of the dwarf communities to focus on metalcraft and mining for the materials required to forge. The scattered human settlements primarily focus on food production, trading with the dwarfs for their metalcraft in exchange for their produce. The homes of the dwarfs, built into the mountains themselves are strong and built to last, while the human settlements are dotted around the foothills and forests, with only a couple of large, developed coastal towns. Corantha’s armed forces are a mixed breed, with the dwarfs preferring to stay on the defensive, constructing fortifications and defences, while the humans provide the bulk and strength of the army with powerful, well-armored cores of heavy infantry, supported by wings of cavalry and lines of skirmishers. Technology: Roman Era Capital: Corinth, largest Dwarf city built before the Valley of the Forge, which leads directly to Ferrum’s forge. The city is built into the mountain, going deep and far, with masterfully crafted halls and walkways mapping the length of their work. The entrance to the city is lined with statues of dwarf warriors watching the road, and the entrance to the Valley has two large guardians crafted into the rockface. Beings: The Mountains are home to many creatures, the largest of which are the cyclopean giants, which mainly stick to their caves, but on occasion venture close to the towns and cities in search of fresh food in the form of meat. While he does not interfere directly against them in roaming from their caves, Ferrum has made it clear they are not to enter the boundaries of the cities and towns, those foolish enough to remain outside the boundaries when a cyclopean giant nears are not his concern. While not a being in a sense, the golems now dotting the length and breadth of Corantha have become a strong part of the everyday occurrences, with people giving praise to Ferrum and creating altars of a sort at their feet. These Golems were originally a pass time for Ferrum, during his century long punishment for his part in the rebellion, but became one of his more favoured creations. [hider=Golems] [img]http://pathfinder.sendric.com/pathblog/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/stone-golem.jpg [/img] [/hider] [/hider]