Vegas was hot and dry, just like any other dull afternoon. Kris had long since grown bored of the live premier of the new episode of his father's show. Hearing the same wisecracks that have been rehearsed for several weeks to him have rendered this show unbearable. Kris wondered what his friends were up to, and decided to check on his cosbytop, which he recieved last april fools from one of his friends. He still hasn't gotten his original computer back, but he's grown fond of his new technology. [hider=--Show Pesterlog--]-- harmonicScarecrow [HS] began pestering buzzingElectra [BE] at 23:03 -- BE: oh hey krizz BE: how are you HE: bored HE: what are you up to abbi BE: i just got my game dizzkzz and now im waiting for alex to tell me when to zztart HS: huh HS: OH HS: i completely forgot about it BE: you should bee checking your mailbox for it BE: all of uzz got it zzo far azz far azz i know HS: have i ever told you you talk funny BE: :( BE: rude HS: wait no HS: sorry i didnt mean it BE: itzz okay :) BE: now go check for your game!!! HS: yeah it should be downstairs ill be right back[/hider] With a great deal of thought, Kris decided it would be okay if he parted with his beloved cosbytop for just a moment... He made his way downstairs to the door without difficulty, but the pile of mail was quite sizeable due to the fact that Kris's father has been gone for the show for a couple weeks, and Kris never bothered going through it before. The pile was saturated with fan mail, so it would be tough finding the disks if they had come, even though they would be with the most fresh mail. The pile was juuuust big enough to jump in, and it reminded Kris of a pile of leaves... He shouldn't... he did Several minutes later, after he had had his fun, he found the two sburb discs and sped back upstairs. [hider=--Show Pesterlog--]HS: back BE: did you get it HS: yeah it was quick and easy like i said it would be BE: awezzome wait to inzztall it i will mezzzzage you when you need to HS: alright umm HS: whats this game again BE: itzz kind of like the zzimzz but you control your friends house and not a random fake dude BE: itzz a lot of fun from what weve heard HS: sounds like fun HS: ill be on for a while so call me whenever -- harmonicScarecrow [HS] ceased pestering buzzingElectra [BE] at 23:20 --[/hider] Well darn. Now Kris has nothing to do again, and I can't even properly curse in front of him. He wonders if Rich is on. Maybe he can play another awesome kazoo cover for the podcast again? Anything to fill the void. [hider=--Show Pesterlog--] -- harmonicScarecrow [HS] began pestering memeticPhallus [MP] at 23:21 -- HS: hey rich MP: yooo HS: whatcha up to right now MP: danking my meme up hbu HS: im just trying to find something to do HS: wanna grace me with one of your covers for my podcast MP: ho MP: lee MP: fuk MP: you would do that for me HS: sure HS: you sound awesome MP: HS: hehe youre so weird MP: sorry am i too dank HS: what does that even mean MP: are my memes too spicy HS: im confused MP: HS: anywaaaay HS: maybe you can send me a cd with your covers sometime MP: you bet your ass i can MP: uh i can rephrase MP: thou can bettest thine buttocks HS: oh HS: well i got sburb not too long ago HS: abby reminded me MP: oh yeah that game lol MP: alex had to tell me to check my mail HS: cool HS: you wanna play that later MP: sure HS: its always fun talking to you MP: gayyyy HS: whatever -- harmonicScarecrow [HS] ceased pestering memeticPhallus [MP] at 23:25 --[/hider] There's never a dull moment with Rich. He's always so off the wall and funny, even if you don't know what he's talking about most of the time. Kris decided that now is as good as any time to record his part of the podcast, so he picked out a few other songs, and started on that.