I'm working on a character right now. It will be a bit of a hybrid between Bard and Rogue. I'm making a kind of diplomat/spy character. Someone who uses her words and music to gather information and manipulate others. A character that can talk her way into the castle, steal the kings crown and have the lackey beheaded for it :) Now I'm a bit in doubt about the class skills. You've mentioned that we can take 4 skills. Now I've run a bit into the following problem. My main idea is that my character will get things done by interacting with others. Now there is a very long list of class skills that more or less reflect the interaction part of my character to fill up my class skills. Bluff, diplomacy, gather information, sense motive. I was wondering if we could combine that into one skill of "Advanced social skills" as they more or less overlap eachother and involve interacting with other characters. That way I can actually be more then just someone who's really good at talking with others :) Other skils I was thinking of are disguise, sleight of hand, move silently and I haven't even started talking about bardic music/knowledge, fighting and spells. I was thinking of dropping the spells entirely and giving "magical properties" to the music. Basicly use music to influence other people's emotions and attitudes. Also fightingskills are overrated :)