[Center][H1]Airdan Valtunal[/H1][/center] The clattering of steel against wood was difficult to miss. It was a hurried expression-- As the saloon doors rattled open and closed-- Followed by a series of clunking and creaking of the floor against mild steel-- Airdan turned to investigate what the heck was that familliar militant sound. [@Ambra] "You are under arrest for the murder of an innocent being. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way-- but I'm pretty sure that everyone in here wouldn't want their day ruined even further." The complexion of the warrior beneath the heavy plating and gambeson were tanned, stern and stoic. Airdan watched momentarily on his seat with a careful eye. The lady's head swayed to rid her blonde fringe away from her eyes and firm fingers wrapped along the hilt of her sabre. As a regular traveller to Estiala, he was able to quickly identify the emblem branded on her cloak around her waist that denoted Lorelian's Jay Valkyries. Mounted combatants efficient at dominating the skies, but not so on the ground... From what he heard. [@Rekaigan] "Well I guess it could wait." He scoffed lightheartedly and stood up from his seat. "Ot was nice chatting with you. Lets do that again sometime." He turned the side of his face towards the chestnut girl. [@Ambra] He approached the Valkyrie and the Solarian with a casual stride, moving closer towards the warrior first. "I'll lend you a hand." He gently spoke with a quiet smile and wink. [@Solace] "You heard the lady. Drop your weapons, hands behind your back, facing the table. In that order." He had much respect for the King's Army. Seasoned warriors despite of their relatively short lifespan. If there's anything an old man could do is to cooperate and help them.