Eve woke from what seemed like the shortest 300 years to exist. She’d been hoping that for once she’d feel rested but as it were she just felt sick. Her limbs felt numb and her gut tight, but that was just how it was going to be she figured, so she let out a long sigh and tried to enjoy the last few minutes of rest there’d be for a while. Someone shuffled along outside, then something else let out a mechanical hiss, a few minutes more passed quietly until finally a cough and more scuffling toward her pod. The pod suddenly flipped open letting frigid air streamed in with the light. Why she’d thought taking a great big breath of fresh air was a good idea, eve had no idea, but that’s what she did. It was a stupid idea and she knew it but by the time she thought about it, it was already too late and she was already coughing and wheezing. Uhg so embarrassing she thought, this was the kind of first impression she was planning to avoid. [i]No use crying over spilt milk, right.[/i] She pawed at the side of the pod with one hand, while trying to stifle her coughing with the other. She needed to get to her belongings, mostly her inhaler. Scouring the bare room there seemed to really only be one option; a door blocked by a burly looking man. Her mind was made up as soon as she remembered for certain that the door was the one that led to her stuff, that’s where she was headed, no one could stop her. With weak arms she pulled herself out of the pod and stumbled toward the door. Everything seemed harder and colder and as she shuffled on it struck her that it was [b]really[/b] cold, more than it really ought to be. The floor was like ice and her joints felt frozen. There’d be more time to think on that later though she figured as she approached the man. As she passed by she patted his shoulder, she was going for an assertive kind of gesture, but really it was probably more like a reassuring pat a grandmother might give. It didn't help that she was practically coughing out her lungs. It didn’t really end up mattering all that much though, she got to the closet holding all of their belongings pretty much un-hindered. She spotted her bag immediately amidst all the others, tucked right where she’d left it. She scrambled over, opened the littlest pouch and, finally, got her inhaler. Every breath after was like a dream, relatively speaking of course. She got out a sweater as well, and socks and hard hiking shoes, then the coat from the very bottom of her bag, she wasn’t banking on it being so cold so soon. Clearing her throat she stood back up and peered back out of the supply room. “I’m fine thanks.” she said coldly, “Anyway. I’m Eve, and where’s The people in charge, someone’s ganna get frostbite.” Her eyes caught on the little kid just as he barreled into Drago. She frowned in sympathy as he signed frantically and wished that she’d paid more attention when she learned it in college. "You’re fine" she said as she signed. [@Oliver][@The Architect]