[center][color=9966cc][h2][b]Jamie Wolfe[/b][/h2][/color] [img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e15/10946581_1576807312564525_981953725_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=OTA1NjMyMjA2MzY5MDIyMDAz.2[/img][/center] [hr] Getting up was always the hardest part of the day for Jamie Wolfe, even though it was into the afternoon when he finally woke up. The first thing he noticed was that he wasn't alone in his bed, which was odd. The second thing he noticed was that he definitely had too much to drink the night before. He didn't even remember who he had been with or how much he had drank. James turned over and came face to face with a girl he barely recognized. Images came back from the night before, he had been at a party and this one girl had been flirting with him, that's all he remembered. Turned out he had taken her home with him apparently. She stirred and finally opened her eyes to meet his. Unlike him, she must not have had enough to drink because she smiled and bit her lower lip, saying how amazing the night before had been. Jamie decided to bullshit it and he grinned back, saying he had a great time too. The girl who's name he did not remember seemed like she was going to continue what they had been doing the night before when James' phones went off on his nightstand. Wolfe sighed and pushed the girl away gently and squinted at his cell's screen. It was a text from Ariel, saying it was time to meet up for the road trip. [color=9966cc]"Aw shit, sorry, uh-"[/color] James wasn't able to recall the girl's name. [color=9966cc]"I'm leaving town today and I totally forgot about it, you're gonna have to leave."[/color] The girl's face dropped and he could practically feel her disappointment. Yeah, it was definitely a dick move but he had things to do. Most of the girls he brought home weren't happy when they left his house in the morning. After the girl collected her things and stormed out, Jamie took a shower and dressed himself in black shorts and a red tank top. Ending up in the dining room, he noticed his Grandma was home. She told him that his friend Katie had just left and that Grandad was out golfing with some of his friends. James kindly reminded her that the girl was [i]not[/i] Katie. Katie had been an old childhood friend who he hadn't seen in years. Grandmas seemed to be losing her memory, sadly. Jamie smiled through it and gave her a hug and reminded her to take her pills that he left on the kitchen table for her. Wolfe was glad he had packed the weekend before and his bags were waiting in the trunk of his car. He slid into his car and took a moment to breathe, which was rare. Thoughts of what was to come during the trip, the people he would be acquainted with and the decisions he had to make afterwards. It could seem like a small thing really, considering the whole big picture. But really, it was huge, the job path he chose would altar his life indefinitely. Marines or mechanics, the question drummed in the back of his head as he drove quite speedily to Ariel's house. Pulling into the driveway, Jamie noticed that some people had already arrived. Not that it was a big deal really, he wasn't exactly known for his punctuality. Before he left the car he fumbled around in his glove compartment until his hand found purchase on a pack of cigarettes and dragged it out. He used a lighter taken from his pocket to light a cigarette and exhaled a cloud of smoke. He stuffed the pack into his pocket and vowed this would be the only time he would smoke that week. Sure, smoking occasionally calmed his hyperactive and overthinking brain, but he knew the shit was bad for him. He made sure to stomp out the butt before entering the house, knowing most of his friends hated the smell of smoke. James didn't bother knocking on the front door and instead just let himself in. Once in clear view of everyone he cleared his throat and took a bow, [color=9966cc]"ladies -especially the ladies- and gentlemen, you lives have just gotten better, James freakin' Wolfe has entered the building."[/color] Straightening from his bow, he made sure to keep a straight face so they would think he was being serious, he nailed it, even adding a devilish glint in his eyes. [color=9966cc]"I smell cookies,"[/color] he noted happily. Jamie sauntered over to the assembled group of friends and stuck a finger into the bowl of cookie dough to retrieve a fat gob of deliciousness and stuffed it into his mouth. [color=9966cc]"What's up babes?"[/color] He asked aloud after chewing, referring to everyone in the room and not just the girls.