Drago was taken aback when everyone just started popping up like kernels in a popcorn bag, it seemed there were more people in here then he had originally thought, maybe his mind was still a bit fogged from sleeping or maybe he was just getting old. Not many men in the world had the distinction of being over three hundred years old... what the hell was he even thinking? There is no person in the world living or dead who was ever alive long enough to make three hundred without a hibernation cocktail of vodka, horse tranquilizer and water from the fountain of youth. Drago slowly reached his hand up to feel for puncture marks in his neck, maybe they did inject him with horse tranquilizer, one hundred ways to a better way to knocking out big burly men for three hundred years, thats a book he would love to read through. Then again they probably did not have a dummies guide for it, what he knew of science would fit on the edge of a needle. Drago became slightly worried when a woman came to in her pod and immediately started coughing and choking he had intended to move forward to help her but she quickly dropped out of her pod and went towards him. [b]"Are you okay do you need any help?"[/b] The woman patted him on the shoulder in a reassuring way as she made her way into the storage room and quickly rummaged around through her possessions, producing an inhaler she sucked on with a couple squirts and her breathing got easier. So she has asthma, thats why she was choking and coughing, Drago really must have brain damage not to have noticed that, he had seen enough attacks by now to realize what one looked like. It would probably good that he had wrenched those doors open earlier, he was glad he woke up before everyone else, Drago turned when the woman change into something more warm, about the time she was coming out a young boy had accidentally ran into Drago and rebounded off him like a ball on a wall and struck the ground. The boy instantly became frightened moving his hands in similar signs different times towards Drago whom cocked his head looking at him curiously trying to figure out what he was doing. When the woman reappeared she spoke a bit coldly saying she was fine, seeing the young man she moved her hands making different signs towards the boy. Drago finally understood, it was sign language, it had thrown him off having not seen it for many a year. Drago turned with a smile on his face as he looked towards the boy and made a couple signs towards him, his sign language was rather weak at best, he was not exactly Mr. Bilingual by any means so instead of signing that the boy did not have to worry he bent down and effortlessly lifted him from the ground and set him down on his feet hoping he might be able to read lips. Brushing him off gently with a large hand he bent down to face level with a don't worry look. [b]"Your just fine young man, they really should warn people about watching out for mountain men, we do tend to take up a lot of space and we are always knocking people over by accident. My sign language is rather novice at best, forgive me I have spent too much time before in the woods with a stick, does not leave much room for learning intelligent things."[/b] Drago gave the boys shoulder a firm yet gentle squeeze of reassurance before standing up and looking at the woman whom was known as Eve. [b]"My name is Drago its a pleasure to meet you Eve, you seem to know some sign language could you perhaps ask him what his name is, knowing my skills in the sign art I would probably read it off as pizza or something."[/b] Drago ignored the part about the people in charge, mostly because Drago did not want to worry the young boy unsure if he had trouble speaking and could hear or was deaf or whatever problem he may have had. The feeling that they were alone was still strong in Drago's gut, nothing else made since otherwise that no one was here by now to greet them. An this damn arctic chill just didn't make sense either, air conditioning only went so cold, and this place was hellish and warm when they went to sleep so it would be obvious to think it would be the same waking up but it felt as cold as the time he was staying in an igloo in alaska and if it was cold like this in here then what was it like outside of this room or outside all together? [@Classpet][@Oliver]