[color=9e0b0f]“Hmhm…”[/color] Vala made a sound, turning halfway to face the frankly a lot taller woman. She expected Adrianne to be taller considering the sensations when her back bumped into the psyker, but she was a lot taller than she expected.[color=9e0b0f]” I grew up on pirate ships, outlaw ships, merc ships and all manners of illegal stations. Having someone in your blind spot at those places never means good. Growing up there, conditioned me with desire to shoot whenever someone is staying right behind me, it’s nothing personal.”[/color] She explained. [color=9e0b0f]“Well in matter of fact I’ve indeed never been at congregation. Once more, on the fridges of Imperium space and at the dark corners of the space where mercs and pirates live, faith isn’t exactly a thing that exist, be it to the god Emperor even. As the inquisitor should be aware, considering the ‘debriefing’ I was given when imperium forces rescued me from my assault boat after the infidel incident.”[/color] She stated, making a cringing expression for a moment. Man it still hurt just thinking about the ‘debriefing’. Hell they made her retell her entire life story… multiple times to make sure she wasn’t lying or being a chaos agent in disguise. After that, Vala turned back to inquisitor Icarus as the woman began to speak. Well it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary really. Chaos cults and infestations, just the usual from what Vala have been hearing stories ever since she was old enough to remember. [color=9e0b0f]“I have a question, inquisitor. Are the locals aware of our imminent arrival or is this still completely a black ops for now?”[/color] She asked.[color=9e0b0f]” Also before I forget, I’m in need of some more parts for my new project. To whom should I address a requisition order? I've nearly completed it, but it remains unoperational until I get those parts...”[/color] Vala’s newest project was going to be grand once it was completed. A new rifle just for her, it had it’s drawbacks, but the potential her weapon showed so far was outclassing it’s negatives.