Interest checks can be slow; I put mine in both the general int checks and this section (It was a low casual basis and so I stuck one in free as well on a technicality). Free and general got more pokes than casual did. *shrug* It is possible in addition to the above your experience here makes some apprehensive, as they don't know what to expect from you; you have no record to indicate how you operate. Formatting to give the post some polish could be nice, and indicates a degree of professionalism - something that one wants as a new joiner here. [quote]GM Paradoxial 2 postsin 0 days Online[/quote] I have no idea where this came from, but it doesn't help your professional image. Rules could give others a more clear idea on your expectations. Otherwise, you're decent for an interest check, and interest waxes and wanes over the course of the year for various things, sometimes anticipated, sometimes not, so the big thing is to simply wait a couple days and see if you can nab someone. Took me a while just to get more than one or two people into mine, and now it's going rather well.