[list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Jack Delacroix [*][u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 37 [*][u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Male [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [url=http://grognard.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=16212]"People tell me I look like the extremely talented, handsome, well-endowed man who stole the Declaration of Independence. I don't really see it."[/url] [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Jack was always a little off. But the effects of the mind-expanding drugs that made him a psychic as part of CIA experiments with ESP have had their toll on his stability. To hear his coworkers tell it, Jack is less a man and more some kind of fore of nature. However, this is a gross exaggeration, as between building a chainsaw railgun to kill Blacula and launching werewolves into the sun, he's just the office clown. He's friendly with interns, he hazes new hires, he messes with the e-mail server. The thing his employers care about is that he's EFFECTIVE. [*][u][b]Equipment[/b][/u]: A silenced desert eagle, chewing gum, flasks, chocolate, salt, holy water, soybeans, a cell phone, and a pair of comfortable shoes. It is believed he has a moonshining setup and chemistry lab somewhere in the JSSDF's offices, but nobody's been able to find it. [*][u][b]Abilities[/b][/u]: Jack is mildly psychic (and to hear some tell it, mildly psychotic). This is to say, he knows things that will happen soon (within the next 15 seconds), can read people's intentions, and use telekinesis to perform gunplay straight out of a John Woo movie. Extrapolating from the list of warnings from the MIB, he is also capable of accepting souls, memories, and pieces of a person's past as payment, spinning gold from straw, and violating the laws of causality. [*][u][b]Skills[/b][/u]: Jack is a master chemist, bureaucrat, and moonshiner. He's a trained marksman, able to reliably perform trick shots at 50 paces. Despite his apparent lack of academic training, he speaks at least four languages- including English, German, Sumerian, and Japanese. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]:Much of the file the US Department of American Liasons to International and External National Surveys gave the JSSDF on Jack is classified. There's nothing about his family, nothing about his job before joining the CIA. What can be confirmed is that he wasn't born in the United States, he was expelled from no less than fourteen schools, and eventually became a government spook. The details of the experiment that made him a psychic are mostly classified, but a mind-expanding substance was used to bring a number of subjects closer to a hyper-aware state. Given his employment status with the CIA, it was easy to get him transferred to the US Department of A.L.I.E.N.S. for observation. Through surprising skill in bureaucracy juggling, he was moved to active duty as an agent. Over the course of his career, it can be confirmed that he: -Killed Blacula -Made an offensive crop circle for the express purpose of antagonizing Martians -Stole a leprechaun's lucky charms -Went back in time and tampered with the blueprints to the Ford Pinto, resulting in a car he can reliably shoot to destroy -Stole at least two government documents to prove the security was awful -Invented the Trabant II, the worst, most generic, and only completely biodegradable car in all of history -captured the Salmon of Wisdom -Filled out three days worth of paperwork in half an hour There is a much longer list, but the incident that got him transferred to Okinawa was when he was stalking Mariana Estranova, Bride of the Midnight, an elder vampire preying on the homeless of Detroit. The details are sketchy, but apparently Jack seduced the woman in order to catch her off guard. He is vehement that it had nothing to do with the Eastern European accent, classy bearing, and slinky red dress. Regardless, she did get staked in the end, and her ashes scattered about the Vatican. For now, Jack's settling in to an office that's a little less prepared for his brand of efficiency. [*][u][b]Allegiance[/b][/u]: The US Department of American Liasons to International and External National Surveys (the extremely bland and obvious cover name for the Men In Black of conspiracy theory fame), working with the Outbreak Agency due to the Mutual Security Treaty of 1951.[/list]