[@Nikki Moonlight] [@DriveEMOut] Harley grit her teeth, her hand slightly shaking as she fought to keep her gun steady, trained on the girl pointing a rifle at her. Weird looking girl she was. Harley had never seen a girl with hair so white...or eyes so pink. Pretty face though, she thought. [color=a187be]"Now I ain't lookin' fer no trouble, ma'am, but if y'all gon keep pointin' that damn gun in my face, I'm liable to git pretty ornery!"[/color] Slowly, she let her revolver down, a brief sigh before answering. [color=a187be]"We just got into town, me and Riley here. Figured we'd rest here for the night, but y'all don't look too friendly, 'specially you, friendo."[/color] She added lifting her revolver again, this time on the boy with the knife. [color=a187be]"Y'all got alot of nerve pickin' a fight with a lady! What? Mama never teach y'all no manners?"[/color]