Ivan finally blinked his eyes open, looking around to see that everyone was gone. He jolted as if struck by lightning, jumping to his feet and running out to the cleared area, still finding no one. He then searched the entire store, before finally heading outside. That's where everyone had gathered, apparently. A few new members had joined their group. Including the albino girl with the sniper rifle. They all seemed to be in a standoff, some people even having their weapons drawn. Ivan stepped back, fingering the holster at his belt. The boy wasn't sure what was going on, but it seemed intense and like something he wasn't meant to be a part of. He opened his mouth to apologize for intruding, but his English failed him. "Прости! очень жаль!!" He cried, not sure what to do. In a flash, he noticed that one girl had a revolver out, and for self defense he pulled out his own shotgun. He had no intention of shooting anyone who didn't shoot at him first, but it was a precaution he had to take. [@DriveEMOUt] [@Nikki Moonlight] [@Vortex] [@The Critic] [@Flightless_Soul]