[h2][center]Heedy Haw Haw, Drunk of the Lord Illuna Forest[/center][/h2] Stumbling about the woods in near perfect step, Heedy Haw Haw could smell the [i]worst[/i] fart in history. Like, burning tree levels of worst. Fucking hell. He pulls out one of his flask bottles, taking a test swig. Turned out to be a bit of Brandy. Fuckin' nice. He takes a deeper swig as he continues his walk, drinking down to the last drop and just tossing the cheap metal container where ever. It's not like he can't make more. Just a bit of scrap, a bit of booze, and boom. [i]Magic[/i] His senses began to clear up though, nothing like a good dose of booze after a random nap from a hostile tree. Fuckin' trees. Always stealing your foot. Heedy Haw Haw begins mulling through how many terrible, b-rated illusiongrams there was of how some random pretty broad always got caught on a tree branch. Heedy Haw Haw grumbles, then proceeds to catch his foot on said tree root and goes down hard. Slamming into the ground, the S.O.D. on his back presses down heavily into his back and he begins letting out a flurry of curses. He gets up, whipping out the S.O.D. and aims behind him before looking about wildly and seeing if some random B-rated horror illusion was gonna get him. They're gonna get hyperfire to the damn face that's what. Heedy Haw Haw begins to randomly grin and digs out another flask, still keeping S.O.D. extremely steady even with how drunk he was with a single arm holding it.