[center][h1] [color=f6989d]Angela Sinclair[/color] [/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/dfgcxihwt/Paige2.jpg[/img][/center] Angela looked up at what Jax was staring at and said, [color=f6989d]"Nothing is up there. The ceiling is lowered by about 6 inches to hide electrical wiring and to make it look better. I bumped that tile when I loaded the top of the shelf."[/color] Angela noticed Father Coughlin had made his way into the back stockroom and was staring at the aisle and the ceiling tile. This irritated her as he wasn't supposed to be in the store to begin with and now he was just being nosey. Angela stepped forward and said, [color=f6989d]"Father, we are looking into something important at the moment. Is there something I could do to help you? Did you not find what you were looking for?"[/color] She eyed the bottle of alcohol for a second longer than she needed to. [@Noco][@The Dow Dragon]