Well, thanks for well wishes. Have begun process of transferring Ekra over! Just....not done yet. Actually rereading old IC posts to determine how to best tweak her. [hider=Ekra the skull kid (WIP)] [center][url=http://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161031/9b0cf8d89e757fa1fb016dffe7367f5d.png[/img][/url][/center] Color: ff711f .::[color=ff711f]π”Έπ•˜π•–[/color]::. 96 years as a skull kid .::[color=ff711f]ℝ𝕒𝕔𝕖[/color]::. Skull kid .::[color=ff711f]π”Ύπ•–π•Ÿπ••π•–π•£[/color]::. Female, though like many skull kids, indistinguishable at a glance. .::[color=ff711f]π”Έπ•‘π•‘π•–π•’π•£π•’π•Ÿπ•”π•–[/color]::. [hider=Skull kid sketch][center][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/198/b/f/ekra_by_leviathandemon-d7r5cgm.png[/img][/center][/hider] Ekra stands at just about 4 feet - maybe 4'1" if she stands on her toes. Her colors are the same as any other skull kid’s - woodlike skin, red-orange hat with the golden links, orange beak, the green over the orange shirt, light green pants, brown shoes. She tries to keep her appearance concealed under a red cloak and Keaton mask. .::[color=ff711f]π•‹π•™π•–π•žπ•– π•Šπ• π•Ÿπ•˜[/color]::. [hider=4 AM][center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSfQrWXD94A[/youtube][/center][/hider] .::[color=ff711f]β„™π•–π•£π•€π• π•Ÿπ•’π•π•šπ•₯π•ͺ[/color]::. Ekra has heard the tales, of kokori straying from the path in the Lost Woods and becoming skull kids forever more. She’s not sure if it’s true – she can’t remember if she was a kokori at any point and, if so, if she was always the born liar she is today. While she is a trickster like other skull kids, she is wary of big flashy displays she knows she can’t particularly back up, and thus prefers to pull her tricks with words – spinning lies and falsehoods, trying basic measures to obscure her nature. Her targets are often those who catch her attention for whatever reason, ranging from carrying wares not native to the forest to humming a tune she’s never heard before. Ekra’s never known life outside the Lost Woods and so she has a deep sense of curiosity and a profound ignorance to what other races may take for granted. Given her lack of self-confidence, she comes across as nervous, keeping a kind of caution up around others and keeping her voice quiet. It doesn’t mean she dislikes talking – in fact, get her on a subject she likes and she can easily ramble for an hour, or ask dozens of questions to sate her interest – it just means she is concerned about whose attention she may draw. What few direct tricks she plays, she tries to avoid being able to receive credit for them. You never know who’ll be tricked, after all. Some of those people are quite mean. Ekra shares a lot in common with her fellow skull kids - for example, a tendency to childishness and impatience. She hates being told she'll have to 'put up' with something she's decided she doesn't like, and she can get frustrated when being made to wait. This also means she can be quick to assumptions due to a marked tendency not to take the time to think things through. However, unlike a lot of skull kids, Ekra has a slightly warped sense of mortality. Perhaps it's a result of dealing with so many violent travelers, but, either way, the notion of death and murder does not bother Ekra terribly despite her otherwise shy and childlike nature. .::[color=ff711f]π”Ήπ•’π•”π•œπ•€π•₯𝕠𝕣π•ͺ[/color]::. Ekra doesn’t exactly have much memory of her life before she was a skull kid. She suspects she was likely a Kokori, since the children of Hylians and others tend to become stalfos. She’s met other skull kids in the woods, each of varying temperaments, though with one trait in common: general mischief towards wanderers of the Lost Woods. Ekra was never above tricking and bothering these wayfarers, though she was often curious as to what they were doing in the woods - where were they headed, where had they come from, what things had they done and were planning to do? A few of the friendlier ones, she managed to persuade to stick around in the forest and talk to her about their own lives. While such chats were good, most couldn’t stay. Worse were the ones who no longer could find their path; those, Ekra watched become stalfos. She learned quite a bit - the variety of races scattered across Hyrule, the encroaching darkness, the tales of a hero long gone - and collected just as much from When the whispers started, Ekra wasn’t sure what to make of them. She wasn’t even sure if skull kids could leave the Lost Woods - she’d never tried, nor had she seen any of the others (well, there was that story of one long ago who left and never came back, but they also said he’d always been strange and it was possible he’d wandered off to die). However, with the urgency of the whispers and the date fast approaching, she decided to give it a go. For the first time, she left the Lost Woods to see the world she’d heard so much about, and maybe learn where the whispers were coming from. .::[color=ff711f]π•Šπ•œπ•šπ•π•π•€/π•‹π•’π•π•–π•Ÿπ•₯𝕀[/color]::. [list] [*] (MS/PS) Flute-playing (8) [list][*]Ekra loves to play her flute, lifted from a wayward traveler during her first year as a skull kid. It appears to be a normal, if well-made flute, and Ekra has gone to pains to keep it intact. Most of the songs she knows are learned from travelers, either directly or indirectly. One of her [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDX4ZwUeOok]more peculiar songs[/url] was taught directly, by the same man who gave her the Keaton mask, and it feels like it charges the air around her.[/list] [*] (FS) Seed shooting (6) [list][*]Ekra is capable of using her flute as a blowgun for sufficiently dense plant seeds, and using them to pelt people. However, while her aim is good, her range is somewhat lacking - perhaps from the top of a tree branch.[/list] [*] (FS) Thrown weapons (5) [list][*]If Ekra is out of deku seeds, and she cannot flee, her next skill is throwing objects from her perch - deku nuts, rocks, that kind of thing. Though her aim remains good, her stamina is a little less so.[/list] [*] (FS) Agility (7) [list][*]As is true of many skull kids, Ekra is light on her feet and fast to move. Her small stature even lets her weave between people.[/list] [*] (SS) Tracking (5) [list][*]Ekra is capable of tracking people for miles over dirt surfaces and undergrowth with a fair amount of ease. Other surfaces prove problematic for her, however.[/list] [*] (PS) Sleight of hand (8) [list][*]Ekra has no innate magic. She has tried to make up for it by improving her sleight of hand, to good effect. She can apparently 'teleport' small items out of her reach into her hands, make small items 'disappear', and even make her marionette seem alive. While there are rational means behind her tricks, observable to those able to watch at their leisure or the particularly sharp-eyed, she's gone to great lengths to conceal them.[/list] [*] (SS) Plant gathering (4) [list][*]Ekra is capable of gathering roots, berries, leaves, flowers, and stems edible to her. However, as most skull kids have slightly better constitutions than other species on account of their nature, this has occasionally led to her gathering plants that would be poisonous to those she wanted to befriend. There are a handful of things she can gather with practiced ease - mostly seeds and deku nuts.[/list] [*] (SS) Climbing (3) [list][*]Ekra is decent at climbing trees, even if taller trees will wear her out. She has no skill climbing rock faces or anything else, though.[/list] [/list] .::[color=ff711f]𝔾𝕠𝕒𝕝𝕀[/color]::. Like many skull kids, there is the strong desire for companionship, from people who will not abandon or harm her. However, she also wants to know – what lies outside the Lost Woods? Is any of it something she ought to know, perhaps from another life? .::[color=ff711f]π•€π•Ÿπ•§π•–π•Ÿπ•₯𝕠𝕣π•ͺ[/color]::. [list] [*] One (1) Keaton mask [*] One (1) red cloak [*] One (1) lantern [*] One (1) flute [*] Four (4) Deku sticks [*] Ten (10) Deku nuts [*] Thirty (30) Deku seeds [*] One (1) wooden marionette, her size [*] One (1) brown satchel [/list] .::[color=ff711f]π•Žπ•’π•π•π•–π•₯[/color]::. 4 rupees and half a dozen cobwebs. [/hider]