Of the two men that had burst upon the tavern, the one with the cowl focused his attention on Rhaedin. And as he spoke to her, she listened to his words politely, and noticed his golden eyes. Ah, how strange. There was but one explanation, of course, the man held elven blood in his veins. To what degree, she knew not. He could be an elf, or a half-elf, or one-third of an elf... From there she fell silent, and disappeared into her thoughts for a long time before Sevine suddenly coughed. One-by-one the bodies of the slain were carted out of the room until Rhaedin and Sevine were all but left. Casting her eyes upon her surroundings, Rhaedin saw that the only bodies left to remove were the ones she had slain, the woman and the man. "Come Captain, I will help you. Grab the man, while I grab this woman. She will be easier for me to carry, as you are accustomed to the burdens of war and death." Sevine stepped forward, and moved to the slain woman who lay in her own pool of blood. Pressing the tips of her fingers to her lips, Sevine shut her eyes and offered up a brief prayer to Lyrem, to guide the woman's soul past the vicious, hungry souls of the Hunt, she then passed her hand over the dead woman's eyes before lifting the limp body of the woman up from the floor and quietly made her way outside. Rhaedin had watched the act of kindness with which Sevine performed. Although the bandit woman had been a threat to their livelihoods, Sevine still treated the deceased with respect. She allowed herself to smile warmly after Sevine had departed. She knelt over, and lifted the body of the man she had killed into her arms, and followed after Sevine. It did not take her long to catch up to the red-haired witch who walked with almost a stoic gait. The two women were the last ones to join the group, where they had lain all of the bodies upon the ground in a small grove of trees. Upon arrival, Rhaedin found Orion, Zal looming over a woman with red braids drawn about her, a ball of fire in his hand, and with Elrithian and Erahja in accompaniment. Sevine laid the woman's body down beside the others, and out of habit, Sevine began to correct the positions of deceased, fixing their limbs in the proper rites of burial. The woman who had descended upon Sid, giving the dog a delightful belly-rub, had not interested her whatsoever. And it wasn't that Sevine didn't care about her presence, but rather the rites of the dead were more important to her. As for Rhaedin, she set the man's body down with care next to the woman and left the work of the dead to Sevine. She stepped quietly away from the bodies and headed over to Zal, where she appeared at his side in silence, her eyes examining the woman with intensity. She had over heard Zal's question to the newcomer, so she chose not to say a word, but rather await a response. There was no need to reiterate a simple question by demand of authority. Zalrinus was intimidating enough as it were already, his staggering height in general was intimidating.